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Online tool - check your website for broken links
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Pointless Tools

Saying "I am so bored (or Im so bored)?" Well, have we the site for you! YES!! The floor bored site of the internet - tons of pointless playthings, tools and things to fiddle with that you will not be so bored anymore. "Board sight" or "bored site" - It is your call....
Tools and utilities for the things you didn't know you needed tools and utilities for.

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Random art - Create random art by entering text
Random letter sequence generator - One of the most useless sites...
Random lists - Random lists of random stuff
Random Names game - How popular is your name? - find your name then vote for it.... A game to rank your name the highest??
Random number generator - Win the lottery with these random numbers...
Random paragraph - Surreal text generator
Random words - Alphabetical excellent new gate blaster penguin
RandomText - 'Listen to small mice' - ? Random words randomly sorted for no apparent reason
Rap star name - What's your Rap Star name? and who cares anyhow!
RaToNaGe - Random Town Name Generator
Rave DJ - Create mashups of Youtube videos - e.g. Fox Style Mv by Psy and Ylvis
Read Only Memories - Daft Punk remixer
Real human - Are you a real human bean?
Remember anything - How to remember anything, using a shoebox.
Re-use this calendar - Don't throw it out that old calendar!
Rhymezone - Rhyming dictionary website, all right? Possibly not pointless, actually, factually.
Rick Astley Remixer - Mix your own Tex-metal Ballad-hop version
Rigged coin flip - Heads I win, tails you lose...
Right now - What time is it?
Robot Jobs - Will robots take your job?
Rubik solver - Get some help unscrambling your Rubik's cube
SAM - An old-school text-to-speech program.
Satellite timelapse - See a time lapse of anywhere in the world in satellite images.
scale_of_the_universe_2012 - Getting things in proportion...
Scream into the void - Let it all out now.
Screwdrivers - The History of the Humble Screwdriver
Scrolling Timewaster - Scrolling Text Time WasterScrolling Text Time WasterScrolling Text Time Waster
Seventh Sanctum - Huge generation resource for item names, descriptions and short stories - some may even be useful?
Shakespeare Insults - All the Shakespearean insults thou couldst want for, thou frothy clay-brained clack-dish.
Shakespearean insulter - "[Thou art] a pipe for Fortune's finger to sound what stop she please"
Share this page - So many new and exciting ways to share!
Sheep view - Sheep on Google Street View
Silk - Draw floaty psychedelic patterns.
Simply Noise - Auditory zen - love it (try the oscillating button)
Sketch Swap - Draw one to get one
Sleep Calculator - If I go to sleep now, when should I wa... Z-Z-z-z-z-z-z
Sleepy time - the science of when to go to bed and feel great in the morning :o)
Solar System Creator - For those times when you really need to generate a random solar system
Speech accent archive - A collection of people saying things in every conceivable accent. Please call Stella.
Star Wars - Make your own Star Wars title screen
Story Generator - Generate story plots using Artificial Intelligence
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