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Online tool - check your website for broken links
Dead Link Checker
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Random Number Generator
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Pointless Tools

Saying "I am so bored (or Im so bored)?" Well, have we the site for you! YES!! The floor bored site of the internet - tons of pointless playthings, tools and things to fiddle with that you will not be so bored anymore. "Board sight" or "bored site" - It is your call....
Tools and utilities for the things you didn't know you needed tools and utilities for.

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Character.AI - AI chatbots can simulate anyone and anything
Checkiday - Some weird national holidays
Chillouts - Meditation and relaxation aid - coloured lights, soothing music. Great with headphones.
Clash me - Convert text into a stream of musical snippets
Clocktab - A nice big configurable clock
Color names - LightGoldenRodYellow
Color Pop AI - Generate images to print and colour in
Comment parrot - Do you rage online at people you don’t know? Then you need Comment Parrot.
Common errors - 100's of linguistic tips
Covid Calculator - Interactive epidemic explainer
Covid standard time - Today is March, 2020
Craiyon - A.I. generates art from a text description
Cube Timer - Pointless unless you are speed solving the Rubik cube....
CurrentMillis - How many milliseconds is it since the start of 1970?
Dance CD Selecta - Refresh page for a new title
Date clock - "An holistic horologe of cyclic progression"
Date Clock - What time is it?
Dead Link City - Odd Museum of broken links. Every kind of link that doesn't work! Crazy. (Also see - useful! Not so pointless)
Death generator - Generate dialog images from video games
Definitely - Yep, it's definitely definitely. Defiantly so.
Desmos Art - Drawing with equations. Check out "Paris street"
Devil's Dictionary - Cynical definitions. See the preface for more info
Dialect mapper - Pretty pointless unless you come from the USA
Dice Simulator - Seconds of fun. Roll 6 ones? 1 in 47,000 chance
DIY Wolverine claws - Don't try this at home
Don't click it - An experiment in click-less user interface. Possibly not so good on a touchscreen...
Drama Button - Love it...
Draw a stickman - Just draw a stickman....
Dreamforth - 'Dream Theme Interpretation'. What does it mean if you dream of electric sheep?
Earth clock - A clock created using satellite imagery.
Earth Reviews - Review everything on Earth to help improve the simulation.
Emojimix - Mix and match your own emojis
English - British vs American English
English Translator - Translate English to english
Enhance - Freeze.... enhance the detail... check the reflection
Ermahgerd translator - Thers ers terterler perntlers
Every noise at once - Know your Mathcore from your Protopunk? Examples of all music genres.
Every satellite - Interactive graphic showing every known satellite
Every satellite - Interactive map detailing every satellite currently in orbit
Evil-doer's Guide - So you've decided to be evil? A Step-by-Step Guide to joining the Forces of Darkness.
Excuse generator - I was busy reading the internet
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