How big is my potato - Handy interactive utility for measuring potatoes, with cooking-time guide
How secure is my password - How long would it take a desktop PC to hack your passwords?
Barcode clock - 'checkout' this site.
Who was alive - See who was alive in any given year
CurrentMillis - How many milliseconds is it since the start of 1970?
xmas clock - Is it Christmas yet?
GibGen - A gibberish generator. It's crusty bitheet PEST Pizza.
Nostalgia machine - Music from your past. Re-live those days...
Rave DJ - Create mashups of Youtube videos - e.g. Fox Style Mv by Psy and Ylvis
Sleep Calculator - If I go to sleep now, when should I wa... Z-Z-z-z-z-z-z
Fantasy Map Generator - Comprehensive tool for generating maps of non-existent worlds
Breaking News - Break Your Own News
Rigged coin flip - Heads I win, tails you lose...
Telescopic Text - I made tea. Click to telescope,
Word association - Don't break the chain of associations
Arpeggios - Play with arpeggios
Seventh Sanctum - Huge generation resource for item names, descriptions and short stories - some may even be useful?
Illogicopedia - An encyclopedia of complete and utter pointless twaddle.
Unclear Text - Writing without using the most common words. Good Luck - or maybe "Greatest Fortune."
otomata - Generative music - just add arrows and press play.
Pective - The actual size of stuff....
Geek typer - Hack like a geek from the movies
Inter-Face - Inter-face - an interactive face.
Planet maker - Make your own 3D planet
The Uncomfortable - A collection of deliberately inconvenient objects
Remember anything - How to remember anything, using a shoebox.
Ambient Chaos - Some relaxing ambience - and some not so relaxing.
Craiyon - A.I. generates art from a text description
Graph paper - Print free graph paper. The print button is near the bottom, not the big advert in the middle.
Mario Sequencer - Compose your own Mario soundtrack
When Tumblr is down - When Tumblr is down, don't panic! This site will tell you what to do.
Is it raining in - Find out whether it's raining in the city of your choice
Rhymezone - Rhyming dictionary website, all right? Possibly not pointless, actually, factually.
Random letter sequence generator - One of the most useless sites...
A Walk in the Park - A Virtual Reality walk in the park, specially for anyone self-isolating
Fun with Words - Epeolatry for all
Image 2 Emoji - Turn any image into a collage of emojis
Rap star name - What's your Rap Star name? and who cares anyhow!
Rick Astley Remixer - Mix your own Tex-metal Ballad-hop version
Why am I a loser? - Why indeed?
Shakespearean insulter - "[Thou art] a pipe for Fortune's finger to sound what stop she please"
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