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Pointless Tools

Saying "I am so bored (or Im so bored)?" Well, have we the site for you! YES!! The floor bored site of the internet - tons of pointless playthings, tools and things to fiddle with that you will not be so bored anymore. "Board sight" or "bored site" - It is your call....
Tools and utilities for the things you didn't know you needed tools and utilities for.

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Life checklist - A checklist for life
NovelAI - Gnerate your own stories using Artificial Intelligence
Land lines - Draw a line, let the planet complete the picture
Ambient mixer - Listen to the ambient sounds of various fictional worlds
Story Generator - Generate story plots using Artificial Intelligence
Definitely - Yep, it's definitely definitely. Defiantly so.
Take me back - Find out what the world was like on any given date
Mondrian and Me - Instant modern art
Purrli - The internet has a cat. Listen to it here.
Windy TV - Watch world-wide weather
Rhymezone - Rhyming dictionary website, all right? Possibly not pointless, actually, factually.
One day you'll find yourself - Advice from your uncle in New York City
Where's Snoopy? - Tracking Snoopy, the Apollo 10 LEM lost in deep space
BeepBox - Multitrack music composer - publish your work with a single URL
Paper Plane Builder - Customize, download and fold your own custom paper plane
Shakespearean insulter - "[Thou art] a pipe for Fortune's finger to sound what stop she please"
Share this page - So many new and exciting ways to share!
Time travel - Time travel instructions via youtube
Written realms - Make and play text adventure games
Craiyon - A.I. generates art from a text description
Meme sequencer - A meme sound sequencer - compose your own memesong
Random art - Create random art by entering text
Planet maker - Make your own 3D planet
TimeZone clock - Every timezone at once
Castles - Castles made of castles made of castles... fractal building blocks
Text faces - For all your text face needs
Emojimix - Mix and match your own emojis
Gazebo tutorial - Tutorial on how (not) to erect your garden gazebo.
Artflow - AI generates avatar portraits from a text description
Morbotron - Futurama quotes and meme-maker
Theremin - Play your own virtual theremin with a mouse or touchscreen!
Fancy font generator - Convert text to fancy unicode fonts 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤
Dice Simulator - Seconds of fun. Roll 6 ones? 1 in 47,000 chance
Covid Calculator - Interactive epidemic explainer
Breaking News - Break Your Own News
Metric Birthday - When will you be 10,000 days old?
One New Post - A minimalist social network that only shows you one post per day, and only lets you write one post per day.
Read Only Memories - Daft Punk remixer
Speech accent archive - A collection of people saying things in every conceivable accent. Please call Stella.
Oscillator creatures - Click and drag the creatures for sci-fi oscillator wobbliness
Desmos Art - Drawing with equations. Check out "Paris street"
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