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Sound and Music

All the best musical and sound-oriented Pointless Sites, gathered together into
one symponic, philharmonic, cacophonic collection of sonic pointlessness. Pointless sounds, pointless music, pointless noise....
Pointless sites that include audio...

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Parry Gripp - Quirky songs and videos (from the guy who made Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway)
Fish heads - From the weird corner of youtube. Eat them up! Yum!
Soluble -
Duck song 2 - The annoying duck is back. First song here
PS4 vs Xbox One - Which one is better?
12 hours of laughter - Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha...
Hobbit trailer cats - It's the hobbit trailer, with cats.
Draco - More from the Potter Puppet Pals
Franker Zee - Franker Zee Franker Zee Franker Zee Franker Zee
Underwater Ice Fishing - Clever underwater video
aQWERTYon - Use your keyboard to accompany a selection of tunes.
Chicken symphony - Igorrr and his performing hens
Tonality - Audio pair-matching memory game
I Miss the Office - Are you missing those office noises during social distancing?
Seven Eleven - Playing a 7/11 polyrhythm inside a 7-Eleven on July 11th at 7:11 for 7 minutes and 11 seconds
Welsh alphabet - The Welsh alphabet, from TV's Pointless
Picard loves cake - I doubt he loves the song though.
Duck song 3 - The duck is back - again! Is he planning something?
Olaf's fancy footwork - Help Olaf with his dance moves
Binary Piano - Who knew counting could be so musical?
Meme sequencer - A meme sound sequencer - compose your own memesong
DDDance party - Cool dancing! Click the circles at the top to control the dance moves.
Typewriter - Tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tick. Ping!
Bark like a dog - How to bark like a dog
Otamatone Rhapsody - Bohemian Rhapsody, played by Otamatones.
Scale sequencer - Musical matrix. Unleash your inner Steve Reich.
Banana Phone - Ring ring ring ring banana phone
Wintergatan Linerider - Beautiful Linerider synchronisation
cccmmmyyykkk - Ceeee... Emmm... Whyyy... Kaaay See also rrrgggbbb
Hot Jumping Beans - Bad lip-reading Justin Bieber and Rascal Flatts
Failing - Succeeding by failing to fail to play a tricky bass solo piece
Chicken EDM - Rubber chicken dance music
New Math - Tom Lehrer song with animations. How's your octal?
Canyon.mid - A pointless canyon.mid simulator
SI Unit prefix song - Tera Giga Mega... sing along!
Badger badger - Time to revive the old classic. 20 Year anniversary edition.
Mini Music Machine - Experiment with polyrhythmic blips
Music map - If you like that, you might like this...
Dad Laugh - Ha ha ha
Echoes - Pink Floyd's "Echoes" with an incredible A.I. generated video.
Honk - Cyriak's back!
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