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Sound and Music

All the best musical and sound-oriented Pointless Sites, gathered together into
one symponic, philharmonic, cacophonic collection of sonic pointlessness. Pointless sounds, pointless music, pointless noise....
Pointless sites that include audio...

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Corgiorgy - Fortunately the site is not what it claims to be.
Falling falling - Complete with Shepard tone audio illusion.
nononono cat - No no no no no no...
Sad trombone - wah wah wah waaaaah :(
Mario Sequencer - Compose your own Mario soundtrack
Super Marimba - Super Mario Bros theme, on marimba
Cat gets caught barking then... - Woof woof woof woof... err... meow?
The Duck Song - Got any grapes?
Cillit Bang - ... and the dirt is gone.
We're NASA and we know it - Crane, lower that rover...
Triangle solo - ding dingaling dingadingting
12 Days of Christmas - 12 days of Christmas - sung by animals
Rick Astley Remixer - Mix your own Tex-metal Ballad-hop version
Virtual Drum Machine - Click the drums or play with keys
Breakdance plaything - ....
What did Bowie do? - What did David Bowie achieve when he was your age?
Stapler - Office life can be tough!
Talking animals - Gooooaaaaalll!!!!
Circles - Sound effects triggered by pressing keys. Boom. Tssss.
Speech accent archive - A collection of people saying things in every conceivable accent. Please call Stella.
Spoon song - Spoon song sing-along
Little Red Riding Hood - Re-interpreted fairy tale
Vuvuzela - World cup vuvuzela music...
Tone Generator - For all those times when only a 440Hz sine wave will do
Up & Over It - Irish dancing for the hands
Clash me - Convert text into a stream of musical snippets
Pollution - CO2 levels interpreted as music
Steve the Egg - How do you wear pants without no legs?
Ok Go - This Too Shall Pass - amazing machine.
Sad toy cats - Meow meow I am a cat
Violin Super Mario - Super Mario theme, chamber music stylee.
Our house - This is... madness
BeepBox - Multitrack music composer - publish your work with a single URL
Meow Mix - Meow meow meow meow
The Potato Song - Featuring a choir of potatoes.
Fake Music Generator - Random albums of computer generated music
Death by Glamour - Undertale OST "Death by Glamour", accelerating.
Flying opera pigs - Pigs, flying, at the opera
Nintendo robot musicians - Mario music played by Raspberry PI robots
Seagulls - Seagulls! (Stop it now)
Upside Down - Ok Go, Upside Down & Inside Out - Zero-G Madness
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