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Sound and Music

All the best musical and sound-oriented Pointless Sites, gathered together into
one symponic, philharmonic, cacophonic collection of sonic pointlessness. Pointless sounds, pointless music, pointless noise....
Pointless sites that include audio...

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Violin Super Mario - Super Mario theme, chamber music stylee.
Underwater Ice Fishing - Clever underwater video
ladyahhhahhhh - The most annoying sound in the world.
007 theme on floppies - Don't throw out those old floppy drives - use them to make sweet music!
Flur - Drift through the dream-like world of Flur. Learn... Grow... Explore... Is there any point to this? Red = bad! Love it - 85 achievements
Going to the store - Rubbery computer generated madness
dialupsound - This is what the internet used to sound like. 56K nostalgia!
Hobbit trailer cats - It's the hobbit trailer, with cats.
isle of tune - Build an island and make music at the same time! Click 'SKIP' to go to the PC game.
scale_of_the_universe_2012 - Getting things in proportion...
Sad violin - Sob, sob!
Dramatic sloth - Dunn dunn dahhhhhh!!!
GAG Quartet - 40 pointless memes in one song - "Unorthodox sites for open minded people" it says here....(by us)
Steamshovel Harry - As one commenter says: "If you don't get it, you're not supposed to."
Bat Cat - and mouse....
Self control freak... - what now.... (loads now added :o))
Record Tripping - needs a mouse wheel...
Nosquito - Do they mean Mosquito? (sound on)
Rain - Add gentle rain background noise to your environment
Cows and cows and cows - by Cyriak
Qwerty beats - .... (Have running with Xoki) :-)
Vuvuzela - World cup vuvuzela music...
Breakdance plaything - ....
Drama Button - Love it...
Kenya - ....
Dr Tran - Talking card... (What?)
Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Delux 3 - says it all........
Pi sung - The digits of Pi.... sung....
Yoda on the drums - ...
We didn't start the fire.... - 5.09Mb of music and pictures (now with full screen option)
All Your Base are belong to us - why be bored when you can listen to this...
Taking the Hobbits... - They're taking the hobbits to Isengard
Magical trevor 4 - Magical toe
Magical Trevor 3 - Magic with a Chinchilla - third in the series - funny animation
Sawyer - The "Lost" Version of the Llama song - comic animation
Llama song - Yvette loved it so much she learnt all the lyrics!
iiiiiiii - !!!!!!!! (sound on)
Magical Trevor 2 - Trevor does a new trick, with a new song...
Magical Trevor - The original - an irritatingly catchy song
Stapler - Office life can be tough!
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