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Sound and Music

All the best musical and sound-oriented Pointless Sites, gathered together into
one symponic, philharmonic, cacophonic collection of sonic pointlessness. Pointless sounds, pointless music, pointless noise....
Pointless sites that include audio...

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Michael Jackson Mashup - This makes Guitar Hero look easy.
Do not touch - Crowdsourced music video, follow the instructions
Workit Kitty - Exercise for cats.
Agamemnon - Ah-Agamem Ah-Agamem I am King Agamemnon
r2d2 translator - English into r2d2
Air conditioner - 10 hours of air conditioner sound
Kitty city - More weirdness from Cyriak
Mean Kitty - The Mean Kitty song
Elements - Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium....
The World Wide Web - It's the mega-powered information super-highway!
Wintergatan - Musical Marble Machine
Simply Noise - Auditory zen - love it (try the oscillating button)
Kazoo Kid - Kazoo Kid - Trap remix
Otamatone - Greensleeves, like you've never heard it before
otomata - Generative music - just add arrows and press play.
Dog - A pointless dog video
What? - Odd video, catchy music
Little Red Riding Hood - Re-interpreted fairy tale
Spoon song - Spoon song sing-along
SuperMario Loops - All SuperMario sounds mixed together and looped, for hours...
Pizza cats screen test - Miaow
Pitbull party - Dodge the scratches
Soundcheck - Intro is in German, bear with it...
Invisible Elephant - Where is the invisible elephant?
Record Tripping - Alice in Wonderland plus DJ scratching. Odd.
Ouais Mais Bon - Pffft!
Theremin - Leon Theremin plays the Theremin
Nyan genre-hopping - So many Nyans!
Chimpnology - Cyriak works his weird magic with some chimpanzees
Word crimes - "Weird Al" Yankovic dislikes bad grammar and poor spelling
Incredibox - Now with four variations
Mastering - How to music really good - Mastering
Nomnomnom - Nomnomnomnom nomnomnom
Handclap - An online hand clapping simulator. Congratulations!
Corgiorgy - Fortunately the site is not what it claims to be.
Fake Music Generator - Random albums of computer generated music
Caterpillar sick - My car runs on caterpillar sick... and amazingly, it works!
Olaf's fancy footwork - Help Olaf with his dance moves
Duck song 3 - The duck is back - again! Is he planning something?
Duck song 2 - The annoying duck is back. First song here
heeeeeeeey! - hooooooooo!
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