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Sound and Music

All the best musical and sound-oriented Pointless Sites, gathered together into
one symponic, philharmonic, cacophonic collection of sonic pointlessness. Pointless sounds, pointless music, pointless noise....
Pointless sites that include audio...

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Chicken on a raft - ...on a monday morning...
OKO game - Spin the image around until it matches - with creepy music.
Breadfish - Have you seen it? It's marvellous!
Konis Hupen - Those Tyroleans really know how to have a good time!
Purrli - The internet has a cat. Listen to it here.
Pi song - You know the words, sing along!
Vintage Obscura Radio - A channel of old and seldom-played music
Circles - Sound effects triggered by pressing keys. Boom. Tssss.
The Elephant's Garden - It's a very strange world
BeepBox - Multitrack music composer - publish your work with a single URL
Cat Soundboard - Mrrrraaaooowww
Animal sounds - Italian elephants say 'baaa'
Road Bike Party 2 - Don't try this at home
Falling falling - Complete with Shepard tone audio illusion.
Echo - Pattern-based music-making and mixing game
aQWERTYon - Use your keyboard to accompany a selection of tunes.
Ni! - The Riders who say "Ni". Monty Python meets Lord of the Rings.
Furby organ - A furby-powered electronic organ. Ahhhh.
Bongo cat - Is this a drum 'kit'? Pointless percussion!
Sound - All about sound
patatap - Synaesthesia simulator. (Occasional flashing images)
KokorokokoroKOKOROkokoROKO - Sing along! Kokoro kokoro KOKORO kokoROKOkoro KOKOroko KORO koko Kokoro-chan iu na
Meme sequencer - A meme sound sequencer - compose your own memesong
Banana Phone - Ring ring ring ring banana phone
The Dangers of Electricity - BAD advice from Weebl
Circle World - Delightful weirdness from Cyriak. Spider sheep?
Talking backwards - As if it wasn't difficult enough...
Egg - "I love egg"
Skiing trombonist - Would Wagner approve? Part 2 is here
Ok Go - This Too Shall Pass - amazing machine.
The Fox - Time for another revival. Elephant goes toot. Seal goes ow ow ow. But what does the Fox say?
Star Wars Uncut: Director's Cut - Star wars, recreated in 15-second crowd-sourced chunks.
Language Guesser - Guess the language of random music videos.
Masked Clown - Do you want fries with that?
Wintergatan Linerider - Beautiful Linerider synchronisation
Crossings - Songs that wrote themselves
Africa Alphabetised - Africa by Toto - but every word is in alphabetical order.
Going to the moon - Going to the moon in a cardboard box
Soupy George - Soup on yer 'ead
Take 5 Variations - Dave Brubeck's Take 5 - with bits missing. Take 1 is amazing.
Theremin - Play your own virtual theremin with a mouse or touchscreen!
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