M.O.T.M. - Molecule of the Month - interesting chemistry stories
Mandelbrot Set - Mandelbrot - an exploration in pure mathematics
MapCrunch - Cool Google Streetview images.
Mars Trek - NASA site, an interactive Mars map, with a 3D mode
Mattress Dominoes - World record attempt....
McDonalds every second - What McDonalds sells every second
Mediaeval Bestiary - Natural history in the Middle Ages. Check out the hedgehog!
Message from the future - Goodbye to print?
Meteor echoes - Listen in live to radio echoes from meteors
Metric Birthday - When will you be 10,000 days old?
Michael Bach - A collection of optical tricks and illusions
Mississippi - History of the Mississippi River, and loads of other interesting maps.
Molossia - Molossia, a self-declared micro-nation.
My hovercraft... - ...is full of eels. In any language you like.
Mythology - Everything you ever wanted to know about ancient myths and legends
Ncase me - Things you can play - mostly somewhat weird
Nested - The whole universe
New Years Exercise - Now's the time...
Nice cup of tea - Nice cup of tea and a sit down. Reviews of (possibly discontinued) biscuits.
Ninja Cat comes closer without moving - I am bored
Nixie - Making a Nixie Tube
Null Island - Null Island -the busiest place that doesn't exist
NYC Streetview -1940s - 1940s photos of every building in New York City
Oddlee - A cute animated adventure story for younger children
Old Computers - How it all started...
One million giraffes - His friend Jørgen...
One red paperclip - One guy's story of how he traded a red paperclip for,,, well, read it and see!
Optimist vs pessimist - xkcd's take on the glass-half-full vs glass-half-empty question
Oracle of Bacon - Are all actors connected to Kevin Bacon?
Orb farm - Create a mini-aquarium inside a glass bubble
Orbis - How long would your trip have taken in the Roman Empire?
Orbis - Google Maps for Romans
Orkney and the Shetlands - Peculiar placenames in the Orkney and Shetland islands.
Paleblue News - Turn the globe to see news from around the world
Paper - Keep folding the paper
Paper clips - Who knew there were so many different types of paper clip?
Paper Plane Builder - Customize, download and fold your own custom paper plane
Particle Lab - :....:::..::
Pass the Pigs - How to Win at "Pass the Pigs" - a statistical analysis of your chances of throwing a Leaning Jowler
Passwords - humm - maybe now I will change my "123456" password - Ha!
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