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Slightly Interesting

Billed as "Slightly Interesting"... This is actually the definitive list of useless facts (or useless junk?) listed under the Slightly Interesting section of pointless sites. The facts are junk - but the junk isn't a fact... As this is apparently "slightly interesting"... You decide... useless or not?
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Time travel - Time travel instructions via youtube
Sell! Sell! Sell! - Scroll down for some scary capitalism statistics
Jetpunk - New daily quizzes to test your knowledge
Printing Money - Where does all the money go?
Apod - A new astronomy picture every day
Random street view - See the world!
Castles - Castles made of castles made of castles... fractal building blocks
Unladen Swallow airspeed velocity estimation - Do you mean an African or European Swallow?
Crossings - Songs that wrote themselves
Look-alikes - Look-a-like pictures....
British food - American guys trying British food. Anyone for Marmite?
Salad in a box - What gardening rules do you like to break?
Earth-Moon Firepole - What if you could slide down a pole from the Moon to the Earth?
Progress - Visualizing cycles
Alphabet - Where did the letters of the alphabet come from?
Speedy Cube - Rubik's Cube solved in 0.38 seconds.
Unnecessary quotes - Bad punctuation spy...
Dice Simulator - Seconds of fun. Roll 6 ones? 1 in 47,000 chance
Food wars - All the differences between UK and US fast foods.
Dante's Inferno - Navigate your way through Dante's Inferno, point & click style.
This x does not exist - A.I. generated things that don't exist. Or do they?
Metric Birthday - When will you be 10,000 days old?
Sorting algorithms - Fifteen animated sorting algorithms in six minutes.
Homeopathy - How does homeopathy work?
What did Bowie do? - What did David Bowie achieve when he was your age?
Words of 2020 - Words that would have resulted in a blank stare in 2019
Framing Infinity - Pointless site? No - it's points of light. Astro images set to electronic music.
M.O.T.M. - Molecule of the Month - interesting chemistry stories
interrobang - You mean to say you've never heard of it ‽
Trolley problem - Moral conundrums with gruesome outcomes
The Big CB - An Artificial Intelligence playground
How animals eat their food - It's almost exactly like being at the zoo at feeding time.
Anvil vs Press - Can you crush an anvil with a hydraulic press?
Orkney and the Shetlands - Peculiar placenames in the Orkney and Shetland islands.
Orbis - Google Maps for Romans
Stone Balancing - Amazing balancing art by Adrian Gray
Every satellite - Interactive map detailing every satellite currently in orbit
Lego drone - Making a Lego quadcopter
Screwdrivers - The History of the Humble Screwdriver
Inside a firework display - Firework display filmed with a drone
Entire world history - The history of the entire world
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