Mediaeval Bestiary - Natural history in the Middle Ages. Check out the hedgehog!
Rhymezone - Rhyming dictionary website, all right? Possibly not pointless, actually, factually.
Universe forecast - What is the future of the universe?
Geography snap - Match the countries and flags, as fast as you can
Bart's Blackboard - An archive of Bart Simpson's chalkboard lines
Cloud appreciation society - Enrich your life, become a cloud spotter.
A Better World - Your chance to rewrite history.
Sumerian insults - Genuine ancient Sumerian insults, from 2100 BCE
Library of Babel - Every text ever written. And yet to be written. What secrets will you find?
Where's Snoopy? - Tracking Snoopy, the Apollo 10 LEM lost in deep space
Paper Plane Builder - Customize, download and fold your own custom paper plane
Animal sounds - Italian elephants say 'baaa'
Phobia List - A to Z facts on phobias
Physics Lab - Loads of interactive physics/mechanics demonstrations - try the roller coasters
Road Bike Party 2 - Don't try this at home
Shakespearean insulter - "[Thou art] a pipe for Fortune's finger to sound what stop she please"
Every last drop - A nice lesson about water, just scroll down.
Null Island - Null Island -the busiest place that doesn't exist
Colour changing card trick - No camera tricks!
Fireflies - Fireflies, fireflies, how do they synchronise?
Wealth inequality - Scale graphics of wealth inequality in the USA
Internet live stats - Live statistics on internet usage. Fascinating.
Armadillo online - Everything you ever wanted to know about armadillos
Sound - All about sound
Time travel - Time travel instructions via youtube
Orbis - How long would your trip have taken in the Roman Empire?
Sell! Sell! Sell! - Scroll down for some scary capitalism statistics
Hexwords - Hexadecimal color codes that look like words. Nerdy fun.
Jetpunk - New daily quizzes to test your knowledge
Elephants - How elephants were imagined by people who hadn't seen one
Printing Money - Where does all the money go?
FBO Particles - A strange grey gaseous spherical... thing?
Ten years ago - What was the internet doing ten years ago?
Apod - A new astronomy picture every day
Random street view - See the world!
Bizarre Labs - Experiments to do in your kitchen
Castles - Castles made of castles made of castles... fractal building blocks
Unladen Swallow airspeed velocity estimation - Do you mean an African or European Swallow?
Crossings - Songs that wrote themselves
Bomomo - Create post-modernist art worthy of the Tate.
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