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Slightly Interesting

Billed as "Slightly Interesting"... This is actually the definitive list of useless facts (or useless junk?) listed under the Slightly Interesting section of pointless sites. The facts are junk - but the junk isn't a fact... As this is apparently "slightly interesting"... You decide... useless or not?
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Found Polaroids - Short stories inspired by random Polaroids
Mars Trek - NASA site, an interactive Mars map, with a 3D mode
Free Chocolate - Amazing experiment - chocolate downloaded straight to your fridge
Hairy Frogfish - The fastest bite in the animal kingdom.
Paper clips - Who knew there were so many different types of paper clip?
Old Computers - How it all started...
Biggest insects - What is the biggest insect in the world?
Planetarium - What's in the sky?
Plasma Ball - A touch-sensitive plasma lamp simulator - lightning at your fingertips
Thing database - Pictures of things that fit into various categories
Worlds highest website - It's 18.94 kilometres of scrolling fun!
London Pigeons - Some surprising facts about pigeons.
Far Future - Infographic showing the (very) far future of the Earth. We're doomed.
DHMO - This stuff is everywhere
Bad kids jokes - Bad jokes submitted by kids. May be mildly offensive.
Fractal jigsaw - Solve the puzzle to reveal the next level
Animal Heartbeats - How fast does a Blue Whale's heart beat?
Shoelace Site - Everything you wanted to know about....
Wolfman Museum of Art - Explore an online virtual art museum.
Earthquakes - Real-time map and earthquake information
Fabricated - A stop-motion journey through an alien world which was once our own.
Global Fishing Watch - Where are all the fish hanging out? And who's chasing them?
3n+1 - A simple but unsolved mathematical problem
PWTIC - Putting Weird Things In Coffee. Maple Bacon Latte anyone?
Can there be two of you - Existential thought experiments
Inherently Funny - A large collection of funny things
Submarine Cable Map - See where all the world's submarine cables are laid.
Telegraph Pole Appreciation Society - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Pixelspace - A tediously accurate scale model of the solar system
MapCrunch - Cool Google Streetview images.
Gerrymandering - Redraw boundaries to influence elections
Meteor echoes - Listen in live to radio echoes from meteors
Animated Engines - Animations of everything from the 4-stroke to the Low Differential Stirling engine.
Where are the Moon Trees? - Moon Trees and Half-Moon Trees. Where are they now?
Redactle - Reveal wikipedia articles by guessing the redacted words and numbers. New article each day.
Ten Walruses of Zen - The human condition, as revealed by walruses (and various other aquatic mammals).
World O Meters - Real time world statistics. Visual representation here.
The Mathematical Danger of Voting - Elections might seem like they produce results people want, but that isn't always the case.
Book a Minute - VERY condensed books.....
Chillouts - Meditation and relaxation aid - coloured lights, soothing music. Great with headphones.
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