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Slightly Interesting

Billed as "Slightly Interesting"... This is actually the definitive list of useless facts (or useless junk?) listed under the Slightly Interesting section of pointless sites. The facts are junk - but the junk isn't a fact... As this is apparently "slightly interesting"... You decide... useless or not?
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Cool guys... - don't look at explosions
Cows and cows and cows - by Cyriak
Xoki - Create pointless playlist of peaceful peaches and purples then go full screen.... "Where you create silence" Ha!
Qwerty beats - .... (Have running with Xoki) :-)
Pective - The actual size of stuff....
What does the internet think? - The opinion of the internet on any subject....
Cube Timer - Pointless unless you are speed solving the Rubik cube....
Message from the future - Goodbye to print? - Heaps of pointless interactive nonsense. Catchy domain name...
Mattress Dominoes - World record attempt....
The break of the curveball - o
Pointless Calendar - Can you spot the pointless number? (appears on every page)
Blob generator - Abstract Art creator....
List of Unicodes - Useless unless you need a "Heavy teardrop-shanked rightward arrow"
Seventh Sanctum - Huge generation resource for item names, descriptions and short stories - some may even be useful?
List of Colors - Olive Drab....
The pitch drop experiment - The world's longest running (and most useless) experiment apparently
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