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Reliquary - The Most Neglected Pointless Sites

The pointless sites with the least votes - pointless relics. If a site is listed here - it must be REALLY bad! Rescue a site from this ignominious page - vote for it now! These pointless relic sites are listed "least votes" first IYSWIM.
The most Unpopular pointless site is at the top - Vote for it and it will probably move postion! Yay!

Zen grin - What kind of day is it going to be?
Covid standard time - Today is March, 2020
Connections - Puzzle game - sort the items into four groups of four
Kuku - It's an online cuckoo clock.
Nobody here - If there's nobody here, who's typing this stuff?
Shave me - Shave off the beard. Then do it again, and again...
Duck photograph - It's just pictures of ducks
IMG_0001 - Random iPhone videos from years ago
Mr Doob - or so they say - Nice space visual effects
Minecraft AI - AI-generated psychedelic Minecraft
The Positive Lexicography Project - A sort of dictionary of untranslatable words
Flowpaper - Relaxing mindful drawing
Orion's Arm - Join an ever-expanding collective worldbuilding effort.
Not day of the week - What day isn't it?
Potato or tomato - Test your veg skills
Duck duck clicker - Click click click the duck duck duck
The Mathematical Danger of Voting - Elections might seem like they produce results people want, but that isn't always the case.
Nested - The whole universe
Pi song - You know the words, sing along!
Konis Hupen - Those Tyroleans really know how to have a good time!
Nootbusters - Who ya gonna call to make it stop?
Turbo encabulator - Astonishing information about a remarkable device
Vet time - A cockatoo does not want to go to the vet. Mutter mutter mutter...
Color Pop AI - Generate images to print and colour in
Collapse blast - Click on matching blocks and bonus items
The Employment - Bleak animation about the alienation of work
Honk - Cyriak's back!
Infinite coin box - All the coins you could ever wish for
The Bellies - Odd animation. Beware of the snails.
Echoes - Pink Floyd's "Echoes" with an incredible A.I. generated video.

Showcase - Your All-Time Favorite Pointless Sites


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