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Pointless Numbers

Welcome to the pointless numbers area of pointless sites. With number facts to amaze the unfazed. Some pointless numbers are so big that they have a name - look out for googolplexianth [maybe the smallest number with a name] coming soon. And that's a fact! Wikipedia refuse to recognise googolplexian and googolplexianth - please lobby them!! ;-)
385, 9800045, 55.9, 776, 9, -55032.1, 742, 998, 23.6657, -1, ...

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Binary Clock - Display the time in binary (or hexadecimal, or smileys)... the ultimate geek clock site!
Dice Simulator - Seconds of fun. Roll 6 ones? 1 in 47,000 chance
Combination lock - Addictive "Crack the code" math game - progressive and multiplayer modes. - "Unorthodox sites for open minded people" it says here....(by us)
Paperclips - Build your own paperclip empire
2048 - Remember this? Use the arrow keys to combine blocks, try to reach 2048
Mousepoint - A clickless mouse game
Bad people - Scraper detection link - If this link and text is anywhere other than on then this, and other Pointless Sites content, has been stolen by bad people....
Pi sung - The digits of Pi.... sung....
Pointless Calendar - Can you spot the pointless number? (appears on every page)
Spend - Spend Bill Gates' money
Your birthdate in Pi - Find your birth date in Pi
9007199254740992 - Get to the 9007199254740992 tile
Paper - Keep folding the paper
Boogie maths - Maths explained through the medium of dance
How fast - How fast are you travelling right now?
One million giraffes - His friend Jørgen...
Nonogram frvr - Nonogram puzzles. Gorgeous!
The Universe is Dark - An incremental game about lighting up the universe.
Huge Numbers - A huge number, comes with free "puzzle"
How secure is my password - How long would it take a desktop PC to hack your passwords?
CurrentMillis - How many milliseconds is it since the start of 1970?
Sleep Calculator - If I go to sleep now, when should I wa... Z-Z-z-z-z-z-z
Number - Rules: make number go up
xmas clock - Is it Christmas yet?
Gridwatch - The UK's National Grid Status
Progress - Visualizing cycles
Circular - How well can you draw a circle?
2048 Numberwang - That's Numberwang!
primes - Ten thousand prime numbers
What did Bowie do? - What did David Bowie achieve when he was your age?
2048 Solitaire - An interesting combination of 2048 and Solitaire.
Seven Billion - 7 billion people on 1 page
List of numbers - A list of numbers (incomplete)
3n+1 - A simple but unsolved mathematical problem
People in Space - How many people are in space right now?
Binary comes to life - 011010011
Get 1000 - Try to get 1000 - a bit like 1024
Passwords - humm - maybe now I will change my "123456" password - Ha!
Adding machine - Binary adding machine powered by marbles
Progress - How much longer?
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