Fractal and Shepard Tone - Ten hours of falling Shepard tone and an infinite fractal.
Framing Infinity - Pointless site? No - it's points of light. Astro images set to electronic music.
Frinkiac - Simpsons quote database, meme-maker
Gallery of regrettable food - A collector's comments on old cookbook photos.
Gallifreyan translator - What's your name in Gallifreyan?
Garfield minus Garfield - The comic strip with Garfield taken out.... (G-G)
Geometrize - Builds detailed pictures out of ellipses, circles, squares...
Glowy Earthquakes - 3D earthquake globe
Gnome pun intended - Bad gnome puns, with cartoons
Happy happy hardcore - Smileys!
Hen to hen - More hens than you could possibly need
Hexley - Hexley, the platypus
Homestuck - The story of John Egbert - a webcomic.
Horse with hands riding a bike - ...(pictures of)
Hoverboard - Return to play area!
How the sun sees you - UV videography. Wear sunscreen.
HTTP cats - Some HTTP errors, but with cats.
Hue Test - Check your colour vision - drag and drop each row so the colours are in order from left to right. Low scores are best.
Hungover owls - Post-party pictures of owls
Hungry trees - Why you should never stand still in a forest
I has a bucket - ....
I waste so much time - Cartoons, pictures, gifs - ideal for wasting time.
Image 2 Emoji - Turn any image into a collage of emojis
Image to Image - Make a 'photo' from a drawing. The cat one is best!
In Vestimentis Ursum - Animated toys and their inner robots
Infinite Zoom - It just keeps on zooming
Inspirobot - Endless "inspirational" quotes
Into time - Interactive art with colour gradients
Jackson Pollock - Drip drip splat
Jim Carrey - The same photo of Jim Carrey every day…
Just Standing - A photo project - set timer, take 3 steps, pose.
Just type stuff - Just type something...
keepcalm-o-matic - Make your own inspirational poster
Kim Jong-il - looking at things...
Kitten War - May the best cat win
Knotted - You know when you feel like your stomach is tied in a knot?
Land lines - Draw a line, let the planet complete the picture
Le Confinement - What one French guy got up to during lockdown
Leaf of the day - A new leaf daily.
Leafblog - Scans of leaves found on a daily walk
Licking cats - Omnomnomiaow
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