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Pointless Pictures

A gallery of cool pictures, funny pictures, and weird/odd pictures. These pictures (sights) have been submitted to pointless sites as examples of pointlessness. Although we think some are funny and slightly cool - although it aint cool in the office today thats for sure. :-( What a picture!
Also pointless sights...

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optillusions - The worlds worst optical illusions.
Gallifreyan translator - What's your name in Gallifreyan?
Window Swap - Look out of somebody else's window.
Zoom Earth - Zoomable worldwide weather satellite images
Into time - Interactive art with colour gradients
Open Puppies - Just dogs being dogs
Homestuck - The story of John Egbert - a webcomic.
Bunnies - Just... bunnies
Short Trip - Beautiful hand-drawn animated tram ride. Just hold left or right to move.
Make a Pierre - Make your own Pierre with this state of the art Pierre Customizator
Geometrize - Builds detailed pictures out of ellipses, circles, squares...
mspaintadventures - This is just... peculiar.
HTTP cats - Some HTTP errors, but with cats.
Zen Photon Garden - Block the rays, adjust the controls. Best with browser set to full screen.
In Vestimentis Ursum - Animated toys and their inner robots
Flying opera pigs - Pigs, flying, at the opera
Cargo ship timelapse - 30-day timelapse of a cargo ship's voyage
Cat vs Internet - The story of one cat's search for just a little attention.
Flowpaper - Relaxing mindful drawing
Nod to the Rhythm - Save energy while you dance
Fantasy Map Generator - Comprehensive tool for generating maps of non-existent worlds
Zoom Quilt - Mindblowing - it just keeps zooming
Earth Temperature - How has Earth's temperature varied since the last ice age?
Egg Alone - It's... a rotating egg.
Camera Max - How to use those fancy modes on a digital camera
Random Art - Daily randomly generated colorful abstract art with a randomly generated title
Brick Bible - The Bible told with LEGO
Polar Bear - Polar Bear in a Snow Storm
Doge 2048 - Much 2048. Very doge. So entertain.
Happy happy hardcore - Smileys!
Neon Flames - Paint your own nebulae
Enhance - Freeze.... enhance the detail... check the reflection
Cat pounce - Splat
Rubbish Animals - Rubbish animals - cartoon drawings
Licking cats - Omnomnomiaow
Chillest Monkey - And... relax.
Found Polaroids - Short stories inspired by random Polaroids
Plastic bags - Plastic bags in trees and bushes. Because there's a story behind every lost bag.
Mars Trek - NASA site, an interactive Mars map, with a 3D mode
Hungry trees - Why you should never stand still in a forest
Penny towers - hundreds of pictures of pennies....
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