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Pointless Pictures

A gallery of cool pictures, funny pictures, and weird/odd pictures. These pictures (sights) have been submitted to pointless sites as examples of pointlessness. Although we think some are funny and slightly cool - although it aint cool in the office today thats for sure. :-( What a picture!
Also pointless sights...

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Mount Huashan - The world's most dangerous hiking trail
Chesscoaster - Some games just can't be interrupted
Odd couples - Blend famous faces into nightmare chimeras. Check out the gallery!
Find the Difference - Spot the difference (s).... fun!
Saturn from above - A stunning image from NASA's Cassini spacecraft.
24:Three - A 24-hour Hypercomic, apparently
Hungover owls - Post-party pictures of owls
Pokemon fusion - What do you get if you cross a Jigglypuff with a Weezing? Find out here.
Nic Cage as Everyone - Truly he's a master of disguise
VisualData - Odd animations and pictures. Click the dots at the bottom to pick a new one.
Sistine Chapel - Click and drag, it's almost as if you were there. But where's Wally?
xkcd Click and Drag - Click and drag the large picture. Will the world end somewhere? Is there anything underground?
dream7 - Odd art site
Pimp that snack - Supersize food
Pusheen the cat - Cute animations/comic strips
keepcalm-o-matic - Make your own inspirational poster
thisisnotatest - ...or is it?
World's worst website - Everything you could dislike in a website, in a website.
Pretty colours - Yes... but is it art?
Widget - getting a loan - A bank manager who wants to be an impressionist.
Seven Billion - 7 billion people on 1 page
Shameless bragging - ...Yee Haa - Britains most boring calendar - "Unorthodox sites for open minded people" it says here....(by us)
Spock is not impressed - ....
Bad people - Scraper detection link - If this link and text is anywhere other than on then this, and other Pointless Sites content, has been stolen by bad people....
Scanwiches - pictures of sandwiches
Horse with hands riding a bike - ...(pictures of)
Muppets with peoples eyes - o o
Kim Jong-il - looking at things...
Crates and Barrels - Useful if you are looking to find Crates and Barrels in Video games....
Look at that hat - Should I grab it?
My morning hair - Pointless nonsense picture gallary
Pointless Calendar - Can you spot the pointless number? (appears on every page)
Apon - ....
Tiling - Pointless in a hypnoticic sort of way.
Lol cats - Hundreds of pointless cat pictures...
We didn't start the fire.... - 5.09Mb of music and pictures (now with full screen option)
Smiles - Can you spot a fake smile?
World Beard Championships -
Toing -
Flying Puppet -
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