pohtpof - Pictures of hipsters taking pictures of food.
Hexley - Hexley, the platypus
Fine Leather Jackets - Odd videos and artwork. Try Brainsiege
Otters... - Otters who look like Benedict Cumberbatch
Mr Incredibeard - It's Mr Incredibeard and his incredible beard!
Pokemon Go Evolution - Jigglypuff->Wigglytuff
Image to Image - Make a 'photo' from a drawing. The cat one is best!
Draw This - Multiplayer guess-the-drawing game
This is sand - Digital sand art
Art of the Marbler - Marbellously old-fashioned.
Quick draw - See if google can guess your drawing
Gnome pun intended - Bad gnome puns, with cartoons
Damn.dog - Guess the WikiHow tutorial from a single image
Entrances to Hell - Who knows where these doorways lead? Maybe best not to find out...
Terrible property photos - Inexplicably bad real estate agents' property photographs.
One Tiny Hand - Pictures of celebrities with one tiny hand.
Hue Test - Check your colour vision - drag and drop each row so the colours are in order from left to right. Low scores are best.
Text art - A bunch of cool, cute, and useful ASCII art
Mississippi - History of the Mississippi River, and loads of other interesting maps.
South Park character creator - Create South Park characters...
Image 2 Emoji - Turn any image into a collage of emojis
Calming Brits - Calming Brits (and Irishfolk)
Avatar maker - Recreate yourself as an avatar
Piskel - Make your own animated pixel-art sprites.
Drawception - Draw, describe, draw, describe, draw, describe, repeat...
Starbucks name - Get your Starbucks name, written on a real cup.
Milky Way - Can You See The Milky Way?
Marvelous Mars - Mars in a billion pixels. Keep scrolling...
Face replaced - A website showing people putting random objects in front of their face.
Flower garden - Just click to grow some flowers
Earth timelapses - Stunning timelapse video shot by ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst from the ISS
Stuff on my cat - like to put stuff on your cat?
Star Wars - Make your own Star Wars title screen
Jim Carrey - The same photo of Jim Carrey every day…
Tim Burton Gallery - Some quirky pictures in a slightly clumsy gallery
Doodle per diem - A new doodle every day since August 11th, 2012.
Motorway cameras - SEE the traffic!
Spot the difference - Photo spot-the-difference puzzles. The circuit board photo is tricky!
I waste so much time - Cartoons, pictures, gifs - ideal for wasting time.
Things found on street - Dutch site, Google translate is your friend.
Mount Huashan - The world's most dangerous hiking trail
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