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Not as new as the new pointless sites but still just as pointless

New Years Exercise - Now's the time...
Invisible cow - Find the invisible cow
Paper - Keep folding the paper
Zebra puzzles - Daily logic puzzles to solve on your coffee-break.
Witch Egg - You are a witch and you raise an egg.
Monster match - Match the monsters before they get you
Picard - Words that rhyme with Captain Picard (and some that don't)
12 Days of Christmas - 12 days of Christmas - sung by animals
Earth Temperature - How has Earth's temperature varied since the last ice age?
Scale sequencer - Musical matrix. Unleash your inner Steve Reich.
Where in the USA - Five guesses to locate a photo on a map of the USA
Frequency 2156 - Time-travel radio from a post-apocalyptic world
The Insidious Bogleech - It's all about the monsters
Jigsaw Puzzles - Free online daily jigsaw puzzles.
Snowman - A festive hangman-style game. Guess the word to save the snowman
Solipsist - Ten minutes of arty weirdness
Woot - 8 bit dancing guy
Robot Jobs - Will robots take your job?
Little Runmo - A nice platform game
Synesthesia (in space) - You are a robot eye or something. Cool puzzle platform game
The surrealist compliment generator - My elbow sockets sharpen pencils when you pass by on divine fumes of industrial combustion.
Flippit - Flip the stones so they are all the same colour
Every noise at once - Know your Mathcore from your Protopunk? Examples of all music genres.
Russian Doll - What happens at the end?
Door - A quick game with an a(door)able message
Pink - Just colour everything pink. A Bart Bonte game
Date Clock - What time is it?
Guess the price - Do you know the value of stuff?
Ncase me - Things you can play - mostly somewhat weird
Egg Alone - It's... a rotating egg.
Gridwatch - The UK's National Grid Status
The end - Well, it has to end sometime
8bitdash - 8-bit animations, with tweaks
Camera Max - How to use those fancy modes on a digital camera
Tearable puns - Ripping good jokes
Paleblue News - Turn the globe to see news from around the world
Pebble Jame - Drop pebbles onto matching colours
Random Art - Daily randomly generated colorful abstract art with a randomly generated title
Salad Theory - A mathematical answer to the question "is pizza a salad?"
BrantSteele - Simulate your own Hunger Games and other reality show contests.
gummybear - I'm (still) a gummy bear.
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