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Online tool - check your website for broken links
Dead Link Checker
Random numbers for games lotteries, etc.
Random Number Generator
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Tile Puzzles
Fiendish number puzzle game, use the clues to open the lock.
Combination Lock
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Not as new as the new pointless sites but still just as pointless

Doughnut Kitten - Miaomnomnomnom
Twenty - Merge numbers and get to 20
Hello - How to say hello to anyone, or anything
Horse - Horse looking at toothbrush
Googolplex written out - The number Googolplex written out in a book and a series of PDF documents.
Rubbish Animals - Rubbish animals - cartoon drawings
Lost Gamer - Like GeoGuessr, but for videogames
Iceberg Charts - A collection of iceberg charts.
Nailing Jelly to a wall - Can it be done?
Let's settle this - What has the internet decided?
Hex FRVR - Place the pieces on the grid, try to complete lines
Scottish Dance of the Day - A themed Scottish country dance for (almost) every day of the year
Licking cats - Omnomnomiaow
Bonsai Builder - Grow your own bonsai tree. Take your time.
Office Museum - Can you tell the genuine pencil sharpener from all the impostors?
Chillest Monkey - And... relax.
Found Polaroids - Short stories inspired by random Polaroids
Plastic bags - Plastic bags in trees and bushes. Because there's a story behind every lost bag.
cachemonet - An exploration into the serendipitous collisions that occur between two randomly generated arrays. Um... yeah.
Rock cake - Baking with gravel
Mars Trek - NASA site, an interactive Mars map, with a 3D mode
Free Chocolate - Amazing experiment - chocolate downloaded straight to your fridge
Hairy Frogfish - The fastest bite in the animal kingdom.
Hungry trees - Why you should never stand still in a forest
Pentris - Like Tetris, but more so
Word Disassociation - Enemy lasagna, robust below wax
Checkbox Olympics - Just click the boxes, one by one
Dreamforth - 'Dream Theme Interpretation'. What does it mean if you dream of electric sheep?
Ten hours ago - What time was it 10 hours ago?
Paper clips - Who knew there were so many different types of paper clip?
e4494s - A collection of generators, simulations, and other arty timewasters
Color Pop AI - Generate images to print and colour in
Cows go moo - Scratching posts?
Maze toys - Use arrow keys to solve the daily maze
The Blob - Play with colourful bouncy rubbery blobs
P.A.P.G. - Pencil and Paper Games
Penny towers - hundreds of pictures of pennies....
Big Bunny - Your special bunny friend
My 70s TV - A nostalgic television simulator to remind you of the days of disco, shag carpet, and bell-bottoms.
Old Computers - How it all started...
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