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Online tool - check your website for broken links
Dead Link Checker
Random numbers for games lotteries, etc.
Random Number Generator
Sliding block puzzles, from simple to impuzzible
Tile Puzzles
Fiendish number puzzle game, use the clues to open the lock.
Combination Lock
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Not as new as the new pointless sites but still just as pointless

Inter-Face - Inter-face - an interactive face.
Candy box 2 - ASCII art RPG. Be patient...
Maze-generator - Generate mazes - rectangular, circular, triangular or hexagonal
Hermit Crabs - How to care for your hermit crab
Mechanical Techno - Making music the unorthodox way
Spinning rat - Spin that rat
Slow roads - Endless driving
Every ant on Earth - A database of every individual ant on Earth. Possibly.
Flowpaper - Relaxing mindful drawing
Potato or tomato - Test your veg skills
Not day of the week - What day isn't it?
Nested - The whole universe
The Positive Lexicography Project - A sort of dictionary of untranslatable words
Factory balls forever - Decorate the balls to match the picture!
Who was alive - See who was alive in any given year
People in Space - How many people are in space right now?
DNA - Animation and microscopic filming shows DNA in action
My hovercraft... - full of eels. In any language you like.
RaToNaGe - Random Town Name Generator
Sandtris - Tetris with a twist of sand
Click the colour - and not the word
Deep Sadness - random shapes, random sounds
Nod to the Rhythm - Save energy while you dance
Bafflement Fires - The Bafflement Fires, a digital re-creation of a lost freemason game.
Maxwell Cat World - Find the rat. Eat the rat. Repeat.
Word DB - All the words you could ever wish for
Fantasy Map Generator - Comprehensive tool for generating maps of non-existent worlds
How fast - How fast are you travelling right now?
Rigged coin flip - Heads I win, tails you lose...
JustDeleteMe - Handy links to delete your accounts from various web services
Daydoku - Cover a calendar with polyominoes, leaving just today visible
Progress Quest - An RPG where everything is done for you - roll up a character, then sit back and watch...
Tree of Life - Explore the branches of life in a massive zoomable tree.
Melting eyes - "NEXT"
Slow Empty - Click for a new triangle. Strangely hypnotic.
Paku Paku - 1-dimensional Pacman. Hit a key to change direction.
Correlated - Odd correlations
Consult the fossil - Ask Helix any question you like.
Zephy Air Transport - Anything delivered anywhere, by airship.
Zoom Quilt - Mindblowing - it just keeps zooming
New Years Exercise - Now's the time...
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