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Not as new as the new pointless sites but still just as pointless

Monkey 4D - Four-dimensional monkeys, projected onto a two-dimensional plane. Mindbending.
Button Museum - An online museum of buttons/badges
Geometrize - Builds detailed pictures out of ellipses, circles, squares...
primes - Ten thousand prime numbers
Auction game - Guess the price of paintings and artworks
Arpeggios - Play with arpeggios
Trust - The evolution of trust
mspaintadventures - This is just... peculiar.
CERN - - the first website ever
HTTP cats - Some HTTP errors, but with cats.
Why am I a loser? - Why indeed?
Gilbert Uranium238 Atomic Energy Lab - It's exciting and safe!
Elastic Face - Creepy, slightly gross, and pointless.
Pass the Pigs - How to Win at "Pass the Pigs" - a statistical analysis of your chances of throwing a Leaning Jowler
Future Me - Send an email to yourself... in the future!
Remoji - Just move the mouse
lyca - It's odd, but what's it all about?
Google Planets - Google Earth for Planets and Moons
Zen Photon Garden - Block the rays, adjust the controls. Best with browser set to full screen.
In Vestimentis Ursum - Animated toys and their inner robots
Date clock - "An holistic horologe of cyclic progression"
Radiooooo - Songs of the past, worldwide
Illogicopedia - An encyclopedia of complete and utter pointless twaddle.
Infinite coin box - All the coins you could ever wish for
Orb farm - Create a mini-aquarium inside a glass bubble
It's not Its - It's simple...
Glowing fluid - Real-time glowing liquid simulation. Drag your mouse around see all the pretty colors.
Flying opera pigs - Pigs, flying, at the opera
Warehouse 23 Basement - A collection of boxes to open, each containing a mysterious item.
7 billion - So many bunnies!
Weird patents - Collection of weird and wonderful patents.
Throat Notes - The curious creatures of Tasmania
Cargo ship timelapse - 30-day timelapse of a cargo ship's voyage
Falling time - 3D time, constantly falling.
Cat vs Internet - The story of one cat's search for just a little attention.
Beatles Anomalies - A massive list of anomalies in Beatles songs, for those who are interested in such things.
Cosmic Microwave Background - No, it's not a groovy screensaver for your oven - it's the dawn of the universe drawn on a marble.
Accenterator - Teaching Americans to speak in foreign accents
Waste your time - How to waste your time, in one easy lesson
Eat Yogurt - Eating all flavors of yogurt so you don't have to
Inter-Face - Inter-face - an interactive face.
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