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Online tool - check your website for broken links
Dead Link Checker
Random numbers for games lotteries, etc.
Random Number Generator
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Tile Puzzles
Fiendish number puzzle game, use the clues to open the lock.
Combination Lock
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Not as new as the new pointless sites but still just as pointless

Drama Button - Love it...
Pective - The actual size of stuff....
What does the internet think? - The opinion of the internet on any subject....
Red Remover - Quirky game - best with the sound off
Cube Timer - Pointless unless you are speed solving the Rubik cube....
Message from the future - Goodbye to print?
Cricket! - ... - Heaps of pointless interactive nonsense. Catchy domain name...
Mattress Dominoes - World record attempt....
Me and the key... - Pointless game - love it :-)
Clive - the frog
Grid 16 - Quick and pointless game(s)
Not Pron - 82 impossibel levels... (complete waste of time!)
The break of the curveball - o
Castle Clout - Trebuchet! (we got to level 5)
Cat solves printer problem - llol (literally)
Shopping Cart Hero - Love it
Walk Right Game - >>>....
Achievement unlocked - 99 to get?
Kenya - ....
Defend your castle - pointless waste of a LOT of time!
Rat Maze - ...
Dr Tran - Talking card... (What?)
The most seconds - that you can stand the bordom...
Squirrel Underpants.... - .....
Crates and Barrels - Useful if you are looking to find Crates and Barrels in Video games....
Look at that hat - Should I grab it?
Flower garden - Click and drag for an instant flower patch
Swing by 3D - More mindless interactivity from the Proceeo Lab
Fly Killer - Fly swat game
My morning hair - Pointless nonsense picture gallary
How to hug - Hug training.....
Pointless Calendar - Can you spot the pointless number? (appears on every page)
Star finder 3 - So many pointless games... so little time....
Apon - ....
Miestas - Weird game....
Duck - "Think outside the flock"
Twisted Pac Man - Pac men ghoing for 80%
Blob generator - Abstract Art creator....
Move Click Live - Unusual invisible enemies game (102 seconds = our best)
Rap star name - What's your Rap Star name? and who cares anyhow!
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