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Not as new as the new pointless sites but still just as pointless

Chutney - A song about chutney, eventually.
Franker Zee - Franker Zee Franker Zee Franker Zee Franker Zee
Save the Badgers - Save the Badgers - with a bit of help from Flash
Scary spider - Drag the spider. Double click to feed it insects.
Bruce Lee - The Ultra-interactive KungFu remixer
Checkbox painter - Draw a masterpiece using checkboxes
Please Like - What's not to like?
400 years - A calamity is coming. You have to embark on a journey to stop it... And you only have 400 years.
Frizzle Fraz 2 - Rescue the Frizzles! Collect stuff! Use arrow keys.
Chicken song - Old McDonald chicken song, on repeat. Bok bok!
Birthday messages - Need a tacky poem for a friend's birthday card? This is the place.
Run2 - 3D running or skating game. Use arrow keys and space bar.
Trolling Saruman - Even in defeat, Saruman is dangerous...
Parry Gripp - Quirky songs and videos (from the guy who made Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway)
Random Names game - How popular is your name? - find your name then vote for it.... A game to rank your name the highest??
Inception - A big red button. Can you guess what it does?
Chimpanzee... - ... riding on a Segway
Toy Story - Live-action Toy Story - the whole movie!
Batman eats a hot dog - Such drama!
Doodle devil - Combine things, make new things.
Kid Snippets - Videos acted by adults, voiced by kids.
This is the only level - 4 - It's the level that just keeps on giving
The Duck Song - Got any grapes?
Nic Cage as Everyone - Truly he's a master of disguise
Neun und neunzig - 99 Red Balloons. Burst them.
Howjsay - How to pronounce english words.
Velocity Raptor - You are a dinosaur. The speed of light is 3 mph. Apart from that, almost everything's normal.
Bloxorz - Simply get the block to fall into the square hole.
Evil-doer's Guide - So you've decided to be evil? A Step-by-Step Guide to joining the Forces of Darkness.
Turn your name into a face - This definitely belongs on PointlessSites.
Jellyman - Cute and pointless puzzle game
Star Wars - Star Wars re-enacted by ponies.
VisualData - Odd animations and pictures. Click the dots at the bottom to pick a new one.
Sistine Chapel - Click and drag, it's almost as if you were there. But where's Wally?
Levitated - A collection of weird and wonderful things to see and do.
Inanimate Alice - Interactive multi-modal fiction
The Potato Song - Featuring a choir of potatoes.
World's hardest game - We got tolevel 2...
Google60 - Search engine running on punched cards. Oddly, needs a modern browser to run.
Super Santa Kicker 2 - Kick Santa so he lands in the chimney. Collect sacks of goodies on the way. Ho ho ho!
Games for the Brain - Keep your brain-cells working.
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