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Not as new as the new pointless sites but still just as pointless

Oscillator creatures - Click and drag the creatures for sci-fi oscillator wobbliness
Bruno Simon - Drive a car around somebody's home page.
Electric Boogie Woogie - Animated version of Mondrian's 'Broadway Boogie Woogie'
Desmos Art - Drawing with equations. Check out "Paris street"
Seagulls - Seagulls! (Stop it now)
What did Bowie do? - What did David Bowie achieve when he was your age?
Red Ball Adventure - Go, red ball, go!
Hexar - Multi-player game of hex-pansion, hex-ploration and hex-plosion
Words of 2020 - Words that would have resulted in a blank stare in 2019
Hypernom - Some weird 4D dodecahedrom nomming. No, we don't understand it either.
Walk of Life - Movie endings improved with Dire Straits Walk of Life playing over them.
Higher Lower - Google guessing game
Framing Infinity - Pointless site? No - it's points of light. Astro images set to electronic music.
Windows startup - All Windows startup sounds. Tada!
Brandname Pencils - Some of these are pointless
Bad Cookie - Looped GIF of cookies/poptarts being made. What are cookies?
Le Confinement - What one French guy got up to during lockdown
SculptGL - Virtual clay
Up & Over It - Irish dancing for the hands
NYC Streetview -1940s - 1940s photos of every building in New York City
GeoGuessr - Guess the location of a random image from Google maps.
Autodraw - Drawing tool that knows what you are trying to draw
Petra Cortright - Weirdness abounds
Sad trombone - wah wah wah waaaaah :(
M.O.T.M. - Molecule of the Month - interesting chemistry stories
China - China - 1.35 Billion times.
How big is my potato - Handy interactive utility for measuring potatoes, with cooking-time guide
Cat jumps into a box - Cat jumps in. Cat jumps out.
Frinkiac - Simpsons quote database, meme-maker
The singing man - Ferret soup
Spiral - You are feeling sleepy... or seasick?
Space museum escape - Point and click escape game - takes a while to load.
Dau Dau - Can somebody please translate this song?
interrobang - You mean to say you've never heard of it ‽
Flip a coin - Will it be heads? Will it be tails? The suspense!
Flagwaver - Use your own image or find a flag on the internet to wave on a pole.
Knotted - You know when you feel like your stomach is tied in a knot?
Trolley problem - Moral conundrums with gruesome outcomes
Doing - Doing doing doing
2048 cubed - 2048 in a 3D cube! Arrow keys, F, and V to slide. Spin the cube with the mouse.
MS Paint Online - Online version of the classic MS Paint program
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