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Online tool - check your website for broken links
Dead Link Checker
Random numbers for games lotteries, etc.
Random Number Generator
Sliding block puzzles, from simple to impuzzible
Tile Puzzles
Fiendish number puzzle game, use the clues to open the lock.
Combination Lock
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Not as new as the new pointless sites but still just as pointless

Flagwaver - Use your own image or find a flag on the internet to wave on a pole.
Knotted - You know when you feel like your stomach is tied in a knot?
Trolley problem - Moral conundrums with gruesome outcomes
Doing - Doing doing doing
2048 cubed - 2048 in a 3D cube! Arrow keys, F, and V to slide. Spin the cube with the mouse.
MS Paint Online - Online version of the classic MS Paint program
Contact Juggling - An amazing performance of crystal ball contact juggling.
Chicken meets fan - A rubber chicken meets a ceiling fan
Circular - How well can you draw a circle?
The Big CB - An Artificial Intelligence playground
Milky Way - The Milky Way in 46 gigapixels
Anagram solver - I plot its senses
How animals eat their food - It's almost exactly like being at the zoo at feeding time.
Rave DJ - Create mashups of Youtube videos - e.g. Fox Style Mv by Psy and Ylvis
The Tiptree Sneeze - Sometimes a simple "atchoo!" just isn't dramatic enough.
Pointless - Pointless pointlessness
stick of gum - Free chewing gum
360 panoramas - Interactive hi-res 360 degree panoramas
Two dogs dining - Omnomnomnom
No Paint - Make an abstract picture using two buttons
Artbreeder - Generate new art by 'breeding' your favourite images
Motion Triptych IV - Satisfying triptych video. Check out parts I to V as well.
My 80's TV - Watch TV like it was in the 80's
Corndog on Corndog - Just corndogs. With mustard.
Anvil vs Press - Can you crush an anvil with a hydraulic press?
Orkney and the Shetlands - Peculiar placenames in the Orkney and Shetland islands.
Canyon.mid - A pointless canyon.mid simulator
AI Dungeon - AI-generated text adventures with infinite possibilities.
Wings - Multiplayer aerial combat
Checkers - Play Checkers against the computer, or 2-player option
Exotic Fonts - Glitch up your text messages
Dream Archive - Read about the dreams of others, submit your own
Orbis - Google Maps for Romans
Fluid Experiment - Click and drag (needs WebGL)
Wheel decide - Don't know what to do? Let the wheel decide for you.
Dinosaur Pictures - For all your dino-related information and pictures
I Miss the Office - Are you missing those office noises during social distancing?
Electric Hurdy Gurdy - Omen. Stick with it, it just keeps getting better...
Great Ball Contraption - An incredible LEGO machine.
Robo-boogie - Make your robot dance
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