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Online tool - check your website for broken links
Dead Link Checker
Random numbers for games lotteries, etc.
Random Number Generator
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Tile Puzzles
Fiendish number puzzle game, use the clues to open the lock.
Combination Lock
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Not as new as the new pointless sites but still just as pointless

Pollution - CO2 levels interpreted as music
Teach me to fly - Teach a wingsuited penguin to fly through buildings
Character.AI - AI chatbots can simulate anyone and anything
Nootbusters - Who ya gonna call to make it stop?
Sleep Calculator - If I go to sleep now, when should I wa... Z-Z-z-z-z-z-z
Flying Frying - Behold, the flying fried egg.
Fold'n'Fly - Make your own paper airplanes!
Oobject - Curious collections
Color Names - A project to give a name to every possible color
Explorables - Interactive explanations of technical concepts
Perfect circle - Can you draw a perfect circle?
Blank - A plain white page. Or is it?
All I Possess - An artist photographs all his belongings
Like Like - The online museum of multiplayer art
Wikitrivia - Put random events in historical order
Animated Drawings - Bring your own drawings to life
Pro Battenberg simulator - Tasty cake sim
Kitten War - May the best cat win
Lightning map - Real-time lightning maps
Texter - There was a table set out under a tree...
Michael Bach - A collection of optical tricks and illusions
Secret Santa - How to do Secret Santa properly
Word association - Don't break the chain of associations
In The Past - Eveerything you see is in the past, apparently
Room Escape Maker - Make your own escape room, or play other people's rooms
Emoji chicken adventure - A chicken simulator with emoji
Grammar - Solve those grammatical conundrums; it's easy!
2048 - Remember this? Use the arrow keys to combine blocks, try to reach 2048
Binary comes to life - 011010011
Asteroid Launcher - Create an asteroid and launch it at Earth
The Gostak - An Interofgan Halpock. If you get confused, this may help.
Clocktab - A nice big configurable clock
Draw Logos - Try to draw logos from memory
Life checklist - A checklist for life
Wikipedia Text Adventure - An old-school text adventure, using Wikipedia for its map
Spitting Tree Goats - The surprising story of Argan Oil
Binary Piano - Who knew counting could be so musical?
Chicken monkey duck - Sing along!
Leafblog - Scans of leaves found on a daily walk
One Square Minesweeper - Use your skilll and logic to find the mine
Dad Laugh - Ha ha ha
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