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Online tool - check your website for broken links
Dead Link Checker
Random numbers for games lotteries, etc.
Random Number Generator
Sliding block puzzles, from simple to impuzzible
Tile Puzzles
Fiendish number puzzle game, use the clues to open the lock.
Combination Lock
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Not as new as the new pointless sites but still just as pointless

Wolfman Museum of Art - Explore an online virtual art museum.
Earthquakes - Real-time map and earthquake information
Fabricated - A stop-motion journey through an alien world which was once our own.
Never nowhere - Circular music
Noot noot - Click to noot.
Global Fishing Watch - Where are all the fish hanging out? And who's chasing them?
Faces in Places - Faces seen in unexpected places
Zebra puzzles - A collection of logic puzzles
Alien baby name generator - Valuable resource for all prospective alien parents
Nyoom - Rolling ball physics game
Brooklyn bar menus - Generate a trendy menu for a trendy Brooklyn bar
3n+1 - A simple but unsolved mathematical problem
S.w.a.t. - Selfies with a twist
Can there be two of you - Existential thought experiments
Click to remove - "Lick o remo" ...
Inherently Funny - A large collection of funny things
Submarine Cable Map - See where all the world's submarine cables are laid.
Telegraph Pole Appreciation Society - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Pixelspace - A tediously accurate scale model of the solar system
Jackson Pollock - Drip drip splat
MapCrunch - Cool Google Streetview images.
Cat Bounce - Pointless bouncing kitties
Dragger - Drag the pieces to complete the picture
Bubble shooter - Idle away the hours, shooting bubbles.
Excuse generator - I was busy reading the internet
Gerrymandering - Redraw boundaries to influence elections
Meteor echoes - Listen in live to radio echoes from meteors
Gold Run - Get the gold, dig holes to trap the chasers
Astrohamster - How far will the astrohamster fly before you can't take any more?
Metallica logo generator - Generate your name in the style of the Metallica logo.
Gourmand Grenouille - Greedy frog eats flies, fish, boats - whatever.
Gallery of regrettable food - A collector's comments on old cookbook photos.
Radiology Art - CT-scans of everyday objects
Primes - Like 2048, but make the biggest prime number you can
Black hole - Fill white space with black holes
Animated Engines - Animations of everything from the 4-stroke to the Low Differential Stirling engine.
Escape games - A collection of point and click escape rooms.
Triangle solo - ding dingaling dingadingting
Where are the Moon Trees? - Moon Trees and Half-Moon Trees. Where are they now?
Corndog - It's raining cats and corndogs. Without the cats.
Redactle - Reveal wikipedia articles by guessing the redacted words and numbers. New article each day.
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