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Some of the weirder pointless sites

The definitive list of odd sites with useless information and other stuff. Although these sites are odd could you call it "useless stuff"? The useless information contained therein could be of use to someone somewhere I guess? 1,3, 5,7,9,11,13,15... (odd)

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Tim Burton Gallery - Some quirky pictures in a slightly clumsy gallery
Time Traveller Boyfriend - Dr Who as a Japanese dating simulator.
Tomatoes - Apparently they are evil.
Trousers with no hands - How to put on a pair of trousers without using your hands.
Two dogs dining - Omnomnomnom
Ultimate dog tease - The maple kind?
Unfavorable Semicircle - Youtube's strangest channel
Unusual articles - Unusual Wikipedia articles, collected together for your pleasure
Up & Over It - Irish dancing for the hands
Upside-down House - It's an upside-down house
Useless inventions - Useless inventions. Twenty of them.
Vader on a Unicycle - Darth Vader on a unicycle. In a kilt. Playing bagpipes. With fire.
Vet time - A cockatoo does not want to go to the vet. Mutter mutter mutter...
VisualData - Odd animations and pictures. Click the dots at the bottom to pick a new one.
Walks of Life - Some more of Cyriak's handiwork. Geddit?
Warehouse 23 Basement - A collection of boxes to open, each containing a mysterious item.
We Want Snow - It's amazing what those birds can do.
Weird Habits - The strange and pointless things people do
Weird patents - Collection of weird and wonderful patents.
What is asdf - Just what is asdf?
What? - Odd video, catchy music
Where Am I - A confusing block-sorting game
Wikipedia Vision - See where the people live that are editing Wikipedia at the moment....
Witch Egg - You are a witch and you raise an egg.
Wolfe+585, Senior - Let's just call him Hubert
Zephy Air Transport - Anything delivered anywhere, by airship.
Zephyronics - Fighting global warming with giant coolers - neat idea
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