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Some of the weirder pointless sites

The definitive list of odd sites with useless information and other stuff. Although these sites are odd could you call it "useless stuff"? The useless information contained therein could be of use to someone somewhere I guess? 1,3, 5,7,9,11,13,15... (odd)

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
17776 Football - What football will look like in the future.
18 years ago - "In the virtual world we can actually fly into the virtual fish tank"
4'33" - Sweet music
4th search - Possibly the strangest contact form ever created.
7 billion - So many bunnies!
80x25 - Weird typing with sound effects
Africa Alphabetised - Africa by Toto - but every word is in alphabetical order.
Aluminium vs Watermelon - Pouring molten aluminium into a watermelon
Ambiguity - Brainstorm? Green Needle? You hear whichever you think about.
Anasomnia - by Ana Somnia. Don't turn out the light...
Animal sounds - Italian elephants say 'baaa'
Arbitrary Awards - And the award for 'Strangest Use Of A Fedora While Underwater' goes to... - "Unorthodox sites for open minded people" it says here....(by us)
Bacon Drone - Breakfast delivery system. Bacon x Science = Immense Power!
Bad people - Scraper detection link - If this link and text is anywhere other than on then this, and other Pointless Sites content, has been stolen by bad people....
Badgermin - A theremin made out of a badger
Bafflement Fires - The Bafflement Fires, a digital re-creation of a lost freemason game.
Bammi - The original exploding Pie game - Timeless classic ;-)
Banana faces - Fruity faces
Barcode yourself - Your own barcode
Between treacherous objects - This is just odd.
Bibi Hendl - Takeo Ischi yodelling with chickens, in German.
Boogie maths - Maths explained through the medium of dance
Book a Minute - VERY condensed books.....
Brandname Pencils - Some of these are pointless
Breakdance plaything - ....
Bullsquid - How long can you bullsquid?
Can there be two of you - Existential thought experiments
Casanova - Cute game with kissing giraffes...
Chaotic Shiny - Random story plots. Pretty much random everything else too.
Charlie Rose - Microsoft and Yahoo
Checkiday - Some weird national holidays
Cheese Universe - Learn all about cheese.
Chesscoaster - Some games just can't be interrupted
Chicken EDM - Rubber chicken dance music
Chicken monkey duck - Sing along!
Chillouts - Meditation and relaxation aid - coloured lights, soothing music. Great with headphones.
Chimpnology - Cyriak works his weird magic with some chimpanzees
China - China - 1.35 Billion times.
Choir - Very weird musical toy. Open the mouth to let the harmonies out.
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