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Some of the weirder pointless sites

The definitive list of odd sites with useless information and other stuff. Although these sites are odd could you call it "useless stuff"? The useless information contained therein could be of use to someone somewhere I guess? 1,3, 5,7,9,11,13,15... (odd)

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Don't hug me 5 - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, 5 - contains gory bits.
What? - Odd video, catchy music
Aluminium vs Watermelon - Pouring molten aluminium into a watermelon
Record Tripping - Alice in Wonderland plus DJ scratching. Odd.
Don't hug me... 4 - Don't hug me I'm scared 4 - more disturbing stuff. And part 3 is here.
Late for meeting - Maybe shouldn't have spent so long going to the store.
Unusual articles - Unusual Wikipedia articles, collected together for your pleasure
Chimpnology - Cyriak works his weird magic with some chimpanzees
Food fight - A short history of warfare, from WWII to present day, told through the foods of the countries in conflict.
Horse man - The magical realm of Horse man
Walks of Life - Some more of Cyriak's handiwork. Geddit?
Tim Burton Gallery - Some quirky pictures in a slightly clumsy gallery
Handclap - An online hand clapping simulator. Congratulations!
Grandmasterflash - Grandmothers accidentally tagging Grandmaster Flash on Facebook
Kern Type - Test your kerning abilities
I wish I were the moon - Find all the endings
Time Traveller Boyfriend - Dr Who as a Japanese dating simulator.
Hodor - Chat with Hodor
Impending Doom - Interactive Doomsday clock(s) ... When will the world end? And how?
Useless inventions - Useless inventions. Twenty of them.
Spam sandwich - Making a spam sandwich
Between treacherous objects - This is just odd.
Chaotic Shiny - Random story plots. Pretty much random everything else too.
Chesscoaster - Some games just can't be interrupted
Don't hug me I'm scared - Disturbing animation. Part 2 is here.
Odd couples - Blend famous faces into nightmare chimeras. Check out the gallery!
18 years ago - "In the virtual world we can actually fly into the virtual fish tank"
Peacock spider - Groovy spider throws some shapes.
Bacon Drone - Breakfast delivery system. Bacon x Science = Immense Power!
Wolfe+585, Senior - Let's just call him Hubert
Steve the Egg - How do you wear pants without no legs?
journaliere - Very odd graphical adventure. Use arrow keys and space bar.
Anasomnia - by Ana Somnia. Don't turn out the light...
Keanu Reeves is immortal - Can it really be true?
Kid Snippets - Videos acted by adults, voiced by kids.
VisualData - Odd animations and pictures. Click the dots at the bottom to pick a new one.
Casanova - Cute game with kissing giraffes...
dream7 - Odd art site
Pimp that snack - Supersize food
nononono cat - No no no no no no...
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