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Interactive Playthings

No one likes static web pages - Interactive are best. Don't be bored at work or at home - Check out these interactive playthings. Is life boring? Are you bored at work - then try these examples of intereactive web executive toys and delete the words "bored" and "boring" from your life.
Point, click, drag..........

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Levitated - A collection of weird and wonderful things to see and do.
Looking at something - Control the weather with your mouse.
Magic pen - Drawings come to life....
Make a Pierre - Make your own Pierre with this state of the art Pierre Customizator
Make me lucky - Could it really be that pressing a button is the key to being lucky?
ManInTheDark - Strange gelatinous humanoid - hypnotic
Mario Sequencer - Compose your own Mario soundtrack
Mars Trek - NASA site, an interactive Mars map, with a 3D mode
Maze-generator - Generate mazes - rectangular, circular, triangular or hexagonal
Me and the key... - Pointless game - love it :-)
Milky Way - The Milky Way in 46 gigapixels
Mindless target shooting game - ... hummm...
Minecraft AI - AI-generated psychedelic Minecraft
Mini Music Machine - Experiment with polyrhythmic blips
Missing link - A couple of minutes of pointless nonsense.... :o)
Mitoza - Pointless game or pointless toy? either way....
Moments of Happiness - Very cute interactive 3D animations
My 70s TV - A nostalgic television simulator to remind you of the days of disco, shag carpet, and bell-bottoms.
My 80's TV - Watch TV like it was in the 80's
Nanaca-Crash - Weird, pointless fun
Ninjaflex - NINJA - FLEX!
No Paint - Make an abstract picture using two buttons
Nomadic Tribe - Beautiful web graphics demo. Grow your own flowers!
Nosquito - Do they mean Mosquito? (sound on)
Not Pron - 82 impossibel levels... (complete waste of time!)
Odd couples - Blend famous faces into nightmare chimeras. Check out the gallery!
Online ouija - The spirit world has apparently gone digital
Orb farm - Create a mini-aquarium inside a glass bubble
Oscillator creatures - Click and drag the creatures for sci-fi oscillator wobbliness
otomata - Generative music - just add arrows and press play.
Pac-txt - Pacman meets Zork - Play pac man like you were in a text adventure..... (Crazy people!)
Paper roll - unravel....
Paper snowflake - Make a paper snowflake in your browser
patatap - Synaesthesia simulator. (Occasional flashing images)
Penguins - Just... penguins
Physics Lab - Loads of interactive physics/mechanics demonstrations - try the roller coasters
Picture sphere - Drag and drop a picture from your desktop onto the sphere.
Pink Trombone - A manual speech synthesizer
Piskel - Make your own animated pixel-art sprites.
Pixel dust - Paint with pixels that turn to dust.
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