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Interactive Playthings

No one likes static web pages - Interactive are best. Don't be bored at work or at home - Check out these interactive playthings. Is life boring? Are you bored at work - then try these examples of intereactive web executive toys and delete the words "bored" and "boring" from your life.
Point, click, drag..........

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Orb farm - Create a mini-aquarium inside a glass bubble
Please touch me - Drag the fingers
Castles - Castles made of castles made of castles... fractal building blocks
How big is my potato - Handy interactive utility for measuring potatoes, with cooking-time guide
Consult the fossil - Ask Helix any question you like.
Yoda on the drums - ...
Bongo cat - Is this a drum 'kit'? Pointless percussion!
Slap Kirk - Slappin' the cap'n and spankin' Spock
Into time - Multicoloured clicky thing.
Joystick -
Gentle Brain - Play with a squishy brainy stressball thing
Ninjaflex - NINJA - FLEX!
Cat Bounce - Bouncing kittehs. Yup, that sounds pretty pointless.
A day in the life of... - A McDonalds employee - interactive
Grid 16 - Quick and pointless game(s)
Fantasy Map Generator - Comprehensive tool for generating maps of non-existent worlds
Geo-Kitten - Can your choice of kitten reveal where you live?
Not Pron - 82 impossibel levels... (complete waste of time!)
Arpeggios - Play with arpeggios
World Draw - Create buildings, trees, and vehicles in an ever-growing world
Russian Doll - What happens at the end?
Handclap - An online hand clapping simulator. Congratulations!
Interactive hair - ...
Jungle - Jungle noise generator
otomata - Generative music - just add arrows and press play.
Record Tripping - needs a mouse wheel...
Moments of Happiness - Very cute interactive 3D animations - Heaps of pointless interactive nonsense. Catchy domain name...
Powerpuff yourself - Make a Power Puff Girl avatar for yourself. Yay!
Planet maker - Make your own 3D planet
Catleidoscope - Moggies and mirrors
Qwerty beats - .... (Have running with Xoki) :-)
Dandelion - and other pointless playthings from Neave
Escape - Just press the ESCAPE key! Ha!
Glowing fluid - Real-time glowing liquid simulation. Drag your mouse around see all the pretty colors.
Cat Bounce - Pointless bouncing kitties
Google Gravity - Try searching. You can throw the fragments around too.
Mario Sequencer - Compose your own Mario soundtrack
Physics Lab - Loads of interactive physics/mechanics demonstrations - try the roller coasters
Euclidea - Geeky geometry game
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