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Interactive Playthings

No one likes static web pages - Interactive are best. Don't be bored at work or at home - Check out these interactive playthings. Is life boring? Are you bored at work - then try these examples of intereactive web executive toys and delete the words "bored" and "boring" from your life.
Point, click, drag..........

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Maze-generator - Generate mazes - rectangular, circular, triangular or hexagonal
Fantasy Map Generator - Comprehensive tool for generating maps of non-existent worlds
Consult the fossil - Ask Helix any question you like.
Scale sequencer - Musical matrix. Unleash your inner Steve Reich.
Russian Doll - What happens at the end?
Please touch me - Drag the fingers
Earth wind map - Animated map of the world's winds and ocean currents. Click, drag, zoom - loads of options.
koalastothemax - Can you find the koala? Or is it just a nice abstract pattern generator?
Doors... - Never be bored again! Drag to open/slam the door
Euclidea - Geeky geometry game
Draw a stickman - Just draw a stickman....
Squishy Earth - The world is actually made of rubber
Day in the Life - A day in the life - a life simulator
Mars Trek - NASA site, an interactive Mars map, with a 3D mode
The Blob - Play with colourful bouncy rubbery blobs
My 70s TV - A nostalgic television simulator to remind you of the days of disco, shag carpet, and bell-bottoms.
Drawing Garden - All the bleeps and plant emojis you could ever want
Virtual Drum Machine - Click the drums or play with keys
Plasma Ball - A touch-sensitive plasma lamp simulator - lightning at your fingertips
Worlds highest website - It's 18.94 kilometres of scrolling fun!
Mini Music Machine - Experiment with polyrhythmic blips
Useless Site - Click the checkbox
Trash loop - Sometimes tidying up is just pointless
Sand castles - Click and drag - build your castles before the next wave.
Jungle - Jungle noise generator
Bongo Cat - Play the bongos with bongo cat!
Fractal jigsaw - Solve the puzzle to reveal the next level
Red dot - This is not that dot. Or maybe it is.
Weirdly - Move the mouse. As if by magic, polygons appear.
Global Fishing Watch - Where are all the fish hanging out? And who's chasing them?
Click to remove - "Lick o remo" ...
Jackson Pollock - Drip drip splat
Cat Bounce - Pointless bouncing kitties
Blob opera - Ahhh eeeeh ooooh! Instant Verdi?
Floppy Frog - A two-key physics game
Make me lucky - Could it really be that pressing a button is the key to being lucky?
Explorables - Interactive explanations of technical concepts
Pro Battenberg simulator - Tasty cake sim
Texter - There was a table set out under a tree...
Room Escape Maker - Make your own escape room, or play other people's rooms
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