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Interactive Playthings

No one likes static web pages - Interactive are best. Don't be bored at work or at home - Check out these interactive playthings. Is life boring? Are you bored at work - then try these examples of intereactive web executive toys and delete the words "bored" and "boring" from your life.
Point, click, drag..........

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Moments of Happiness - Very cute interactive 3D animations
SAM - An old-school text-to-speech program.
Stimulation clicker - A simple but extremely chaotic click game
Cursor dance party - Dance with other people's pointers
Nomadic Tribe - Beautiful web graphics demo. Grow your own flowers!
Geo-FS - Flight Simulator using Google maps. Use number keys to control throttle.
Choir - Very weird musical toy. Open the mouth to let the harmonies out.
Text Particles - Pointless particles
Pixel dust - Paint with pixels that turn to dust.
Paper snowflake - Make a paper snowflake in your browser
Milky Way - The Milky Way in 46 gigapixels
FreeRider HD - Check out other people's freerider creations
FBO Particles - A strange grey gaseous spherical... thing?
Pulse - Music and interactive thingies
QWOP - Just run to the end! Ha.
Minecraft AI - AI-generated psychedelic Minecraft
Snowflake maker - Fold and cut a piece of virtual paper to make a snowflake
Blank Windows - Move and resize some white boxes
Deep Black Hole - Go on, you know you want to...
No Paint - Make an abstract picture using two buttons
stick of gum - Free chewing gum
Tile Puzzles - Tile puzzle championship - tile shuffling for medals
FFFFidget - Remember these? A virtual fidget spinner
Eyeballs - Ever feel you are being watched?
A day in the life of... - A McDonalds employee - interactive
Bammi - The original exploding Pie game - Timeless classic ;-)
Sinuous - Avoid the red dots...
Launchball - Science-based game, make machines to solve puzzles
Into time - Multicoloured clicky thing.
Short Trip - Beautiful hand-drawn animated tram ride. Just hold left or right to move.
Make a Pierre - Make your own Pierre with this state of the art Pierre Customizator
Arpeggios - Play with arpeggios
Elastic Face - Creepy, slightly gross, and pointless.
Google Planets - Google Earth for Planets and Moons
Zen Photon Garden - Block the rays, adjust the controls. Best with browser set to full screen.
Infinite coin box - All the coins you could ever wish for
Orb farm - Create a mini-aquarium inside a glass bubble
Glowing fluid - Real-time glowing liquid simulation. Drag your mouse around see all the pretty colors.
Cosmic Microwave Background - No, it's not a groovy screensaver for your oven - it's the dawn of the universe drawn on a marble.
Maze-generator - Generate mazes - rectangular, circular, triangular or hexagonal
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