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Hypnotic sites

Hypnotic pointlessness. Just watch these compelling, staggeringly unusual hypnotic examples of whats weirdest on the web. Dont be hypnotized or compelled to look at these just because we said so - do it for another reason.... where did that blue ball go?

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OKO game - Spin the image around until it matches - with creepy music.
Pug in a Rug - Honour the Pug
Transforming cubes - Amazing folded cubes
Virtocean - A selection of soothing seaside sounds
Knotted - You know when you feel like your stomach is tied in a knot?
Jumpscare - This is not a jumpscare. Or is it?
Spiro Art - Spinning spirograph patterns. Just relax...
Shanghai Tower - Climbing the world's 2nd highest building. This is hard to watch!
Every satellite - Interactive graphic showing every known satellite
Seven Eleven - Playing a 7/11 polyrhythm inside a 7-Eleven on July 11th at 7:11 for 7 minutes and 11 seconds
Run Walter, RUN!! - A dog's joyful run to the sea
Hot Dog banner - This is marginally more interesting than watching paint dry.
Chaotic pendulums - Two chaotic pendulums produce a tasty graph. Be patient...
ROLLOVER App - It's what we've been up to here at Pointless Towers for the last 18 months - Rollover is quirky and for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad :o)
Scale sequencer - Musical matrix. Unleash your inner Steve Reich.
In The Past - Eveerything you see is in the past, apparently
Wintergatan Linerider - Beautiful Linerider synchronisation
Motion Triptych IV - Satisfying triptych video. Check out parts I to V as well.
Strider pond - Watch as a pond gets slowly populated by water striders.
Badger badger - Time to revive the old classic. 20 Year anniversary edition.
Windy - Airflow animation
Echoes - Pink Floyd's "Echoes" with an incredible A.I. generated video.
Mr Doob - or so they say - Nice space visual effects
Minecraft AI - AI-generated psychedelic Minecraft
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