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Hypnotic sites

Hypnotic pointlessness. Just watch these compelling, staggeringly unusual hypnotic examples of whats weirdest on the web. Dont be hypnotized or compelled to look at these just because we said so - do it for another reason.... where did that blue ball go?

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Falling falling - Complete with Shepard tone audio illusion.
Defend your castle - pointless waste of a LOT of time!
Glowing fluid - Real-time glowing liquid simulation. Drag your mouse around see all the pretty colors.
Doll Face - A robot's search for a satisfactory face
A Walk in the Park - A Virtual Reality walk in the park, specially for anyone self-isolating
Gif backgrounds - Click 'next' for a worse headache
The break of the curveball - o
Brainy quote - Quote of the day
Mindless target shooting game - ... hummm...
Marble race - Epic marble race in a sand channel. Who will win?
e4494s - A collection of generators, simulations, and other arty timewasters
moodlight - Colourful mood lighting (warning - some modes have flashing lights)
Abbey Road Cam - Abbey Road Zebra crossing cam....
3n+1 - A simple but unsolved mathematical problem
Not Never No - ...and relax
Games for lizards - Bearded Dragon plays Ant Crusher
Trying Trying - The long-awaited sequel to 'Falling Falling'
Swing by 3D - More mindless interactivity from the Proceeo Lab
Boromir death simulator - So many orcs - there's only one way this is going to end. Eventually.
Baaa - What is this Cyriak on?
Periodicity - Hypnotic whirlpool of colours
Passwords - humm - maybe now I will change my "123456" password - Ha!
Nomadic Tribe - Beautiful web graphics demo. Grow your own flowers!
Beige balls - What colour are the balls?
Infinite Zoom - It just keeps on zooming
Cargo ship timelapse - 30-day timelapse of a cargo ship's voyage
Something Open - Ever-enlarging cylinders of sleepiness
SuperMario Loops - All SuperMario sounds mixed together and looped, for hours...
BoxCar2D - Computerised car evolution - try to generate the ultimate car. It might take some time...
Furry Friend - Online cat purr simulator - a customisable cat. Relax....
Contact Juggling - An amazing performance of crystal ball contact juggling.
Solipsist - Ten minutes of arty weirdness
Dabchick - Amazing puppetry. Dabchick takes a dive.
Salad in a box - What gardening rules do you like to break?
Picture of Everything - So much detail...
Procatinator - Cat vids plus music. Yay!
Dances on the Circle - Hypnotic pottery
Tree of Life - Explore the branches of life in a massive zoomable tree.
Art of the Marbler - Marbellously old-fashioned.
RTor - Spirals and windmills
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