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Hypnotic sites

Hypnotic pointlessness. Just watch these compelling, staggeringly unusual hypnotic examples of whats weirdest on the web. Dont be hypnotized or compelled to look at these just because we said so - do it for another reason.... where did that blue ball go?

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Water attractors - ...
Rain - Add gentle rain background noise to your environment
Zoom Quilt - Mindblowing - it just keeps zooming
Watch it Shred - Shred of the week
Just type stuff - Just type something...
Tiny Grow - Weird pointless plaything
Box spin - A little hypnotic - Reminds me of Bammi
Hypnotoad - All glory to the hypnotoad!
Blue Ball 2 - The blue ball machine - with music
Branching - Click anywhere
Earth wind map - Animated map of the world's winds and ocean currents. Click, drag, zoom - loads of options.
Extreme Mentos and Diet Coke - What happens when you combine 200 litres of Diet Coke and 500 Mentos?
Milky Way - The Milky Way in 46 gigapixels
Great Ball Contraption - An incredible LEGO machine.
Stick RPG from X Gen - Hypnotic walking about doing things - can you get to live in the castle? Never could work out how to get on a bus??
Geometrize - Builds detailed pictures out of ellipses, circles, squares...
Nothing Ever Happens - Endless moonlit ripples
Ambient mixer - Listen to the ambient sounds of various fictional worlds
Deep Sadness - random shapes, random sounds
Pixel dust - Paint with pixels that turn to dust.
Slow Empty - Click for a new triangle. Strangely hypnotic.
ManInTheDark - Strange gelatinous humanoid - hypnotic
Neave Television - uselfess telly without context
Sisyphean Funtime - Move the sand from one side to the other to win points!
Cows and cows and cows - by Cyriak
Just click the Ball - to change its colour
Orb farm - Create a mini-aquarium inside a glass bubble
Spiral - It's a spiral that twists - and does weird things to your eyes
Contrast Cannon - Weird original nonsense for the bored and curious
Mandelbrot 2^1012 - Deep zoom into the Mandelbrot fractal. May make you dizzy...
Longest joke - The longest joke in the world. Take your time.
Cat jumps into a box - Cat jumps in. Cat jumps out.
Spiral - You are feeling sleepy... or seasick?
Russian Doll - What happens at the end?
Patience - Patience is a virtue. Worth the wait :-)
Jungle - Jungle noise generator
otomata - Generative music - just add arrows and press play.
Chicken meets fan - A rubber chicken meets a ceiling fan
Remember anything - How to remember anything, using a shoebox.
Bad Cookie - Looped GIF of cookies/poptarts being made. What are cookies?
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