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Hypnotic sites

Hypnotic pointlessness. Just watch these compelling, staggeringly unusual hypnotic examples of whats weirdest on the web. Dont be hypnotized or compelled to look at these just because we said so - do it for another reason.... where did that blue ball go?

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
This is sand - Digital sand art
Art of the Marbler - Marbellously old-fashioned.
Nixie - Making a Nixie Tube
Crooked Rot - Creepy and scary stop-motion animation
Wintergatan - Musical Marble Machine
Liquid science - Science tricks with liquids
Flytrap Charlie - Charlie the Venus Fly Trap
Escher in Vinyl - Escher and the Vinyl Cutter
Conway's Life - Conway's game of Life
otomata - Generative music - just add arrows and press play.
SuperMario Loops - All SuperMario sounds mixed together and looped, for hours...
Powder game - Fun with physics
Doll Face - A robot's search for a satisfactory face
Marvelous Mars - Mars in a billion pixels. Keep scrolling...
Euler's disk - BZZZzzz-z-z-z-z-t-t-t-!!!!
Sitting and Smiling - Benjamin Bennett sits and smiles for 4 hours at a time.
Noodle timer - 3-minute timer for instant noodles
Walks of Life - Some more of Cyriak's handiwork. Geddit?
Earth timelapses - Stunning timelapse video shot by ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst from the ISS
BoxCar2D - Computerised car evolution - try to generate the ultimate car. It might take some time...
Longest joke - The longest joke in the world. Take your time.
Abbey Road Cam - Abbey Road Zebra crossing cam....
My noise - Configurable relaxing background noise generator
Dogs and magic - How dogs react to magic
Whitney Music Box - A mesmerizing mix of maths and music
Dances on the Circle - Hypnotic pottery
Shanghai Tower - Climbing the world's 2nd highest building. This is hard to watch!
Find the Difference - Spot the difference (s).... fun!
The Crystal Ball - What can you see? Could your future really be just some random image off the internet?
Shark cat - Shark-cat chases a chick
Anasomnia - by Ana Somnia. Don't turn out the light...
Gif backgrounds - Click 'next' for a worse headache
Do nothing for 2 minutes - Just relax for 2 minutes
Hypnotoad - All glory to the hypnotoad!
Loops of Zen - Restore harmony by completing loops. Ommmm....
Flur - Drift through the dream-like world of Flur. Learn... Grow... Explore... Is there any point to this? Red = bad! Love it - 85 achievements
moodlight - Colourful mood lighting (warning - some modes have flashing lights) - "Unorthodox sites for open minded people" it says here....(by us)
Fisher Diver - Waste huge amounts of time....
Bad people - Scraper detection link - If this link and text is anywhere other than on then this, and other Pointless Sites content, has been stolen by bad people....
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