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Hypnotic sites

Hypnotic pointlessness. Just watch these compelling, staggeringly unusual hypnotic examples of whats weirdest on the web. Dont be hypnotized or compelled to look at these just because we said so - do it for another reason.... where did that blue ball go?

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Strider pond - Watch as a pond gets slowly populated by water striders.
Earth wind map - Animated map of the world's winds and ocean currents. Click, drag, zoom - loads of options.
Procatinator - Cat vids plus music. Yay!
Badger badger - Time to revive the old classic. 20 Year anniversary edition.
Arcane Intern - An interactive story game about discovering magic.
Watch it Shred - Shred of the week
Neon Flames - Paint your own nebulae
Brainy quote - Quote of the day
Bonsai Builder - Grow your own bonsai tree. Take your time.
Rock cake - Baking with gravel
e4494s - A collection of generators, simulations, and other arty timewasters
Extreme Mentos and Diet Coke - What happens when you combine 200 litres of Diet Coke and 500 Mentos?
Beige balls - What colour are the balls?
Plasma Ball - A touch-sensitive plasma lamp simulator - lightning at your fingertips
Silk - Draw floaty psychedelic patterns.
Trying Trying - The long-awaited sequel to 'Falling Falling'
Jungle - Jungle noise generator
Red dot - This is not that dot. Or maybe it is.
3n+1 - A simple but unsolved mathematical problem
World O Meters - Real time world statistics. Visual representation here.
Chillouts - Meditation and relaxation aid - coloured lights, soothing music. Great with headphones.
Windy - Airflow animation
Remember anything - How to remember anything, using a shoebox.
Not Never No - ...and relax
Bob is nothing - Philosophical musings of a non-existent entity
Branching - Click anywhere
Michael Bach - A collection of optical tricks and illusions
In The Past - Eveerything you see is in the past, apparently
Ambient mixer - Listen to the ambient sounds of various fictional worlds
Echoes - Pink Floyd's "Echoes" with an incredible A.I. generated video.
OKO game - Spin the image around until it matches - with creepy music.
Infinite Zoom - It just keeps on zooming
Genetic cars - Car evolution experiment
The Elephant's Garden - It's a very strange world
Periodicity - Hypnotic whirlpool of colours
Falling falling - Complete with Shepard tone audio illusion.
Canvas Cycle - Beautiful 8-bit scenery
Perpetual pizza - What happens if you ask for pizza topping on your pizza?
Way to go - Walk, run, fly...
Lava lamp - Lava lamp simulation. Change colours, drag the goo around. Groovy!
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