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Hypnotic sites

Hypnotic pointlessness. Just watch these compelling, staggeringly unusual hypnotic examples of whats weirdest on the web. Dont be hypnotized or compelled to look at these just because we said so - do it for another reason.... where did that blue ball go?

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Pixels fighting - Why can't the pixels just accept their differences and live in peace?
Pixel dust - Paint with pixels that turn to dust.
Chicken meets fan - A rubber chicken meets a ceiling fan
Milky Way - The Milky Way in 46 gigapixels
Jumpscare - This is not a jumpscare. Or is it?
RIP - Cyriak has some fun with skeletons
Mr Doob - or so they say - Nice space visual effects
Minecraft AI - AI-generated psychedelic Minecraft
Binary Clock - Display the time in binary (or hexadecimal, or smileys)... the ultimate geek clock site!
Blank Windows - Move and resize some white boxes
Blue Ball 2 - The blue ball machine - with music
Cactus Blue - An interactive story
Nothing Ever Happens - Endless moonlit ripples
Patience - Patience is a virtue. Worth the wait :-)
Bammi - The original exploding Pie game - Timeless classic ;-)
Into time - Interactive art with colour gradients
Something Open - Ever-enlarging cylinders of sleepiness
Spiral - It's a spiral that twists - and does weird things to your eyes
Virtocean - A selection of soothing seaside sounds
Bunnies - Just... bunnies
Life in Life - Conway's game of Life, created using Conway's game of Life
Furry Friend - Online cat purr simulator - a customisable cat. Relax....
Geometrize - Builds detailed pictures out of ellipses, circles, squares...
Google Planets - Google Earth for Planets and Moons
Orb farm - Create a mini-aquarium inside a glass bubble
Glowing fluid - Real-time glowing liquid simulation. Drag your mouse around see all the pretty colors.
7 billion - So many bunnies!
Cargo ship timelapse - 30-day timelapse of a cargo ship's voyage
Deep Sadness - random shapes, random sounds
Tree of Life - Explore the branches of life in a massive zoomable tree.
Melting eyes - "NEXT"
Slow Empty - Click for a new triangle. Strangely hypnotic.
Zoom Quilt - Mindblowing - it just keeps zooming
Scale sequencer - Musical matrix. Unleash your inner Steve Reich.
Solipsist - Ten minutes of arty weirdness
Russian Doll - What happens at the end?
Strider pond - Watch as a pond gets slowly populated by water striders.
Earth wind map - Animated map of the world's winds and ocean currents. Click, drag, zoom - loads of options.
Procatinator - Cat vids plus music. Yay!
Badger badger - Time to revive the old classic. 20 Year anniversary edition.
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