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Games and Puzzles

Check out these free online games, mostly pointless games and puzzles and all free. Some of the oddest, unusual, addictive, abstract and strangely compelling games and puzzles known to man. We also put all the games on the 2 minute games site. If it is free, online, original and odd - it should be listed here with these other free online games.

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Portal - Portal: The Flash Version. Over 40 mind-bending levels
Semantris - A Google game - tetris with meaning
Robots are People Too - 2-player browser game. Or one ambidextrous player.
Casanova - Cute game with kissing giraffes...
Gold digger - Dig for golf and gemstones
Auction game - Guess the price of paintings and artworks
Yellow - Just turn the screen yellow
Starblast - Multiplayer asteroids-like game
IMTYPTWAE - I made this. You play this. We are enemies.
Walk Left - Just walk left.
Pass the Pigs - How to Win at "Pass the Pigs" - a statistical analysis of your chances of throwing a Leaning Jowler
Maze toys - Use arrow keys to solve the daily maze
Guess the price - Do you know the value of stuff?
FreeRider HD - Check out other people's freerider creations
40xEscape - Escape the same room 40 times
3rd world farmer - Can you survive as a farmer in a third world country?
Paper Pong - A pong game, in a book. Click the picture and turn to page 1.
hexxagon - A bit like reversi/othello, but different.
Launchball - Science-based game, make machines to solve puzzles
Kanye zone - Don't let Kanye into his zone
Gtttatint - Platform game, with 100 variations.
Fisher Diver - Waste huge amounts of time....
The Big CB - An Artificial Intelligence playground
Gamespot 404 - A 404-page with a nice Rogue-like game
Daydoku - Cover a calendar with polyominoes, leaving just today visible
Kingdom of Loathing - Point-and-click multiplayer adventure, with stick figures.
What the movie - Guess the movie from a single frame
Karoshi Suicide Salaryman - The objective is to kill yourself. Interesting concept for a puzzle game.
Must Pop Words - Make words from the letters as fast as you can
The Gostak - An Interofgan Halpock. If you get confused, this may help.
Icarus needs - Icarus needs... to wake up. Interactive comic-strip game.
Pong - Several varieties of Pong. Can you get your head round radial pong?
ConTENtric - Odd game - we got a score of 3344 :o) - you only have 10 seconds
Pink - Just colour everything pink. A Bart Bonte game
Record Tripping - Alice in Wonderland plus DJ scratching. Odd.
Snowman - A festive hangman-style game. Guess the word to save the snowman
Flappy 2048 - Two addictive games rolled into one
Swerve - Tap/click to swerve. Keep a bucket handy.
Flight - Fly your paper plane to London
Kern Type - Test your kerning abilities
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