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Completely Pointless Sites

These are just completely pointless. No, not just extremely pointless but completely and utterly without a point. Or at least they should be! Let us know if one of these is in the wrong category! Without a point in the extreme - completely!

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
1000 Seconds - Just hold the button down.
11 Puzzle - Tricky sliding tile puzzle
1x1 Solved 0.07s - Solving a 1x1 Rubiks Cube in 0.07 seconds.
2048 Numberwang - That's Numberwang!
afdb - Prevent mind-control - make your own aluminium foil deflector beanie
Air conditioner - 10 hours of air conditioner sound
amiapokemonmasteryet - The long struggle to become a Pokemon master. Maybe today's the day!
Anvil vs Press - Can you crush an anvil with a hydraulic press?
Aperture Science - Happy [Holiday Name Here]
Apon - .... - "Unorthodox sites for open minded people" it says here....(by us)
Astrohamster - How far will the astrohamster fly before you can't take any more?
Bad people - Scraper detection link - If this link and text is anywhere other than on then this, and other Pointless Sites content, has been stolen by bad people....
Barcode yourself - Your own barcode
Become a Gnome - As if by magic...
Big Pig Song - He likes to dig
Binary comes to life - 011010011
Blank - A plain white page. Or is it?
Bob the Button - Pointless, but don't you want to know what happens next...?
Boromir death simulator - So many orcs - there's only one way this is going to end. Eventually.
Bouncing DVD - Just a bouncing DVD logo. How long will it take to reach the corner?
Box transformer - An astonishing disguise?
Bury me - Bury me with my money. What's the point?
Cat Bounce - Pointless bouncing kitties
Cat training - Touch the cats with the mouse to make them copy the leader. Totally pointless.
cccmmmyyykkk - Ceeee... Emmm... Whyyy... Kaaay See also rrrgggbbb
Checkbox ball - A bouncing ball of checkboxes
Chicken on a raft - ...on a monday morning...
Click to remove - "Lick o remo" ...
Colours - Youtube videos of six seconds of colour
Cookie clicker - Click the cookie. Can you get the Time Machine? The Antimatter Condenser?
Corndog - It's raining cats and corndogs. Without the cats.
Corndog on Corndog - Just corndogs. With mustard.
Covid standard time - Today is March, 2020
Cows go moo - Scratching posts?
Crabby Cow - gift...
Crates and Barrels - Useful if you are looking to find Crates and Barrels in Video games....
Crouton - It's... a crouton.
cut dat - Cutting things with a spoon. This is exciting stuff.
Danny Castillo - Finally, we now know who is the best.
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