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Completely Pointless Sites

These are just completely pointless. No, not just extremely pointless but completely and utterly without a point. Or at least they should be! Let us know if one of these is in the wrong category! Without a point in the extreme - completely!

Sort by: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z
Hidden Site - no longer true!
Neave Television - uselfess telly without context
Drama Button - Love it...
Dr Tran - Talking card... (What?)
The most seconds - that you can stand the bordom...
Squirrel Underpants.... - .....
Crates and Barrels - Useful if you are looking to find Crates and Barrels in Video games....
Look at that hat - Should I grab it?
My morning hair - Pointless nonsense picture gallary
How to hug - Hug training.....
Pointless Calendar - Can you spot the pointless number? (appears on every page)
Apon - ....
Watching Grass grow - hmmm....
Glass screen - Don't click....
Pointless Sites - Pointless link to pointless site of pointless sites...
Hyper Comics - Nonsense "Zoom in and look at the comic" site - What is the point?
Pi sung - The digits of Pi.... sung....
Wikipedia Vision - See where the people live that are editing Wikipedia at the moment....
Tiny Grow - Weird pointless plaything
Paper roll - unravel....
Google in Klingon - a Google site apparently?!
Random error - a different error each time - yay!
Waves - Waves of Colo(u)r
Sheep? - ....
Become a Gnome - As if by magic...
Joystick -
Darth -
Rock Paper Scissors Extreme - Versions RPS 7 to RPS 25
iiiiiiii - !!!!!!!! (sound on)
Free Internet Site - Free!
Website not found - We found it!
Dot On The Horizon - It's so far away....
Miserable bastard - An unhappy lady at! - The oldest pointless site on the site
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