Kids' guide to the internet - First, adjust the VCR tracking for the clearest picture.
Colours - Youtube videos of six seconds of colour
amiapokemonmasteryet - The long struggle to become a Pokemon master. Maybe today's the day!
Crouton - It's... a crouton.
Transformation - Every transformation from The Transformers
Otamatone Rhapsody - Bohemian Rhapsody, played by Otamatones.
Danny Castillo - Finally, we now know who is the best.
Death by Glamour - Undertale OST "Death by Glamour", accelerating.
License plates - All the license plate styles from the U.S.A, Canada, and Mexico, from 1969 to the present.
Feed Derpy - Feed muffins to the pony
Mini Pen - What else would you expect at
Temmie Translator - dis an english tu tEMMIE translator
2048 Numberwang - That's Numberwang!
Huge Numbers - A huge number, comes with free "puzzle"
You are in a forest - A classic. See what people are saying about
Crabby Cow - gift...
Workit Kitty - Exercise for cats.
Random sentence - How will the stiff glass culture the freak?
Air conditioner - 10 hours of air conditioner sound
Pathetic motorways - Some people have too much time on their hands.
Number - Rules: make number go up
Uncategorized categories - Are these uncategorized categories now categorized as uncategorized?
Random Sentences - Top Ten random sentences
Windows 95 guide - Look Matty, I'm computing...
SuperMario Loops - All SuperMario sounds mixed together and looped, for hours...
Navy simulator - Simulate Naval life in your own home
Domain poets - ....
Invisible Elephant - Where is the invisible elephant?
Let's play... - ...clickclickclick - no turbo. Don't miss part 2 here !
Dotted lines - .................
Pointless Stuff - Almonds are members of the....
Is my computer on - Handy utility for checking whether your computer is switched on.
Salmon of Capistrano - Salmon of Capistrano - Australian edition
Stuff on my cat - like to put stuff on your cat?
Jim Carrey - The same photo of Jim Carrey every day…
Random Color/Colour - Useless and pointless. Refresh for a new random shade
cut dat - Cutting things with a spoon. This is exciting stuff.
Doodle per diem - A new doodle every day since August 11th, 2012.
Trivial proof - The proof is trivial!
Checkbox ball - A bouncing ball of checkboxes
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