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Completely Pointless Sites

These are just completely pointless. No, not just extremely pointless but completely and utterly without a point. Or at least they should be! Let us know if one of these is in the wrong category! Without a point in the extreme - completely!

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Shape reaction - Click to create a pointless chain reaction
Cookie clicker - Click the cookie. Can you get the Time Machine? The Antimatter Condenser?
Bouncing DVD - Just a bouncing DVD logo. How long will it take to reach the corner?
The Employment - Bleak animation about the alienation of work
Doors... - Never be bored again! Drag to open/slam the door
Rotating sandwiches - Spinning snacks
Plenty of time - Relax, you have plenty of time! Time enough to read the small-print?
Doughnut Kitten - Miaomnomnomnom
Googolplex written out - The number Googolplex written out in a book and a series of PDF documents.
Nailing Jelly to a wall - Can it be done?
Plastic bags - Plastic bags in trees and bushes. Because there's a story behind every lost bag.
Dreamforth - 'Dream Theme Interpretation'. What does it mean if you dream of electric sheep?
Cows go moo - Scratching posts?
Penny towers - hundreds of pictures of pennies....
Dullest Blog - .... quite old and dusty too
11 Puzzle - Tricky sliding tile puzzle
The Game - In case there's anyone who's still not playing
Useless Site - Click the checkbox
Many some - Drifting shapes. Refresh for new shapes.
Mission to Mars - Do you have the patience to complete a real-time mission to Mars?
Problem loading page - There's a problem loading this page... or is there? Yes, there is. Or is there?
Treadmill Bike - So much better than going for a walk!
Red dot - This is not that dot. Or maybe it is.
Movie a minute - Film summaries - why watch the movies when you can just read this and save time?
Click to remove - "Lick o remo" ...
Cat Bounce - Pointless bouncing kitties
Astrohamster - How far will the astrohamster fly before you can't take any more?
Corndog - It's raining cats and corndogs. Without the cats.
Stephen Roads - Every road in Britain called Stephen
Rock-Paper-Scissors - Does it cheat?
Nothing - All about nothing - includes delicious recipes! Aaahhhh... the taste of nothing delight...
Turbo encabulator - Astonishing information about a remarkable device
Smash the walls - How many walls can you smash?
Flying Frying - Behold, the flying fried egg.
Blank - A plain white page. Or is it?
Pro Battenberg simulator - Tasty cake sim
Kitten War - May the best cat win
Emoji chicken adventure - A chicken simulator with emoji
Binary comes to life - 011010011
One Square Minesweeper - Use your skilll and logic to find the mine
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