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A-Z of Pointless Websites

Looking for a pointless waste of time? This amusing list of pointless sites is the complete A to Z list of time wasters. "Waste of time" I hear you say... YES!, it is! A staggering and mammoth complete pointless waste of time - but amusing all the same. Amused? Start at the top - or try the top 10.
The complete list of pointless sites listed in alphabetical order...

Classic Mahjong - Mahjong Solitaire game, with more than 100 layouts.
Cleverbot - A pretty convincing AI chatbot
Click the colour - and not the word
Click to remove - "Lick o remo" ...
Clicker heroes - Clicking game where you get heroes and upgrade stuff.Utterly pointless.
Clive - the frog
Clocktab - A nice big configurable clock
Cloud appreciation society - Enrich your life, become a cloud spotter.
Code Breaker - A Mastermind like game. Crack the code fast enough, make the Top 10.
Cold void - Cobweb simulator
Collapse blast - Click on matching blocks and bonus items
Color game - Simply match the colours
Color Names - A project to give a name to every possible color
Color names - LightGoldenRodYellow
Color Pop AI - Generate images to print and colour in
Color Quiz - Five minute personality test based on decades of research by color psychologists - pointless or poignant ?
Colour changing card trick - No camera tricks!
Colour controversy - Quest for optical colour congruence!
Colours - Youtube videos of six seconds of colour
Combination lock - Addictive "Crack the code" math game - progressive and multiplayer modes.
Comic Sans - A defence of Comic Sans
Comment parrot - Do you rage online at people you don’t know? Then you need Comment Parrot.
Common errors - 100's of linguistic tips
Common misconceptions - Things you think you know but actually you don't
Compost bin - He can compost almost anything in.....
Concentric Holic - Puzzle game. Try to eliminate all the pieces.
Connect the dots - Parabolas and Cardioids, with Vi Hart. Keep up at the back!
Connections - Puzzle game - sort the items into four groups of four
Consult the fossil - Ask Helix any question you like.
Contact Juggling - An amazing performance of crystal ball contact juggling.
ConTENtric - Odd game - we got a score of 3344 :o) - you only have 10 seconds
Continuity Game - love it!
Contrast Cannon - Weird original nonsense for the bored and curious
Conway's Life - Conway's game of Life
Cookie clicker - Click the cookie. Can you get the Time Machine? The Antimatter Condenser?
Cool guys... - don't look at explosions
Corgiorgy - Fortunately the site is not what it claims to be.
Corndog - It's raining cats and corndogs. Without the cats.
Corndog on Corndog - Just corndogs. With mustard.
Correlated - Odd correlations
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