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A-Z of Pointless Websites

Looking for a pointless waste of time? This amusing list of pointless sites is the complete A to Z list of time wasters. "Waste of time" I hear you say... YES!, it is! A staggering and mammoth complete pointless waste of time - but amusing all the same. Amused? Start at the top - or try the top 10.
The complete list of pointless sites listed in alphabetical order...

Burn the Rope - You have to burn the rope. The music is what makes this game.
Bury me - Bury me with my money. What's the point?
Butterfly dance - I have to find an octagon
Button Museum - An online museum of buttons/badges
cachemonet - An exploration into the serendipitous collisions that occur between two randomly generated arrays. Um... yeah.
Cactus Blue - An interactive story
Calming Brits - Calming Brits (and Irishfolk)
Camera Max - How to use those fancy modes on a digital camera
Can there be two of you - Existential thought experiments
Candy box 2 - ASCII art RPG. Be patient...
Canvas Cycle - Beautiful 8-bit scenery
Canyon.mid - A pointless canyon.mid simulator
Captain Foraxian - Galaxian-inspired arcade game. Space and arrow keys. Pew pew pew!
Captain Forever - weird game with a black background
Card trick - Your computer can read your mind
Cargo ship timelapse - 30-day timelapse of a cargo ship's voyage
Casanova - Cute game with kissing giraffes...
Castle Clout - Trebuchet! (we got to level 5)
Castles - Castles made of castles made of castles... fractal building blocks
Cat Bounce - Pointless bouncing kitties
Cat Bounce - Bouncing kittehs. Yup, that sounds pretty pointless.
Cat gets a ride - on a trurtle.... (trurtle??)
Cat gets caught barking then... - Woof woof woof woof... err... meow?
Cat jumps into a box - Cat jumps in. Cat jumps out.
Cat pounce - Splat
Cat solves printer problem - llol (literally)
Cat Soundboard - Mrrrraaaooowww
Cat training - Touch the cats with the mouse to make them copy the leader. Totally pointless.
Cat vs Internet - The story of one cat's search for just a little attention.
Caterpillar sick - My car runs on caterpillar sick... and amazingly, it works!
Catleidoscope - Moggies and mirrors
Cats in sinks - Pictures of cats. Cats in sinks
cccmmmyyykkk - Ceeee... Emmm... Whyyy... Kaaay See also rrrgggbbb
Celsius converter - For all your temperature conversion needs!
Cereal guide - A handy guide to cereal-box characters
CERN - - the first website ever
Chaotic pendulums - Two chaotic pendulums produce a tasty graph. Be patient...
Chaotic Shiny - Random story plots. Pretty much random everything else too.
Character.AI - AI chatbots can simulate anyone and anything
Charlie Rose - Microsoft and Yahoo
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