Wafflegame - Crossword meets Wordle
Walk Left - Just walk left.
Walk of Life - Movie endings improved with Dire Straits Walk of Life playing over them.
Walk Right Game - >>>....
Walks of Life - Some more of Cyriak's handiwork. Geddit?
Wall - Timelapse of a wall.
Warehouse 23 Basement - A collection of boxes to open, each containing a mysterious item.
Warzone Tower Defense - ...The best tower defense so far???? NNNHHAAaargghhgh
Waste time - Handy utility that helps you waste time
Waste your time - How to waste your time, in one easy lesson
Watch it Shred - Shred of the week
Watching Grass grow - hmmm....
Water - All the world's water
Water attractors - ...
Waves - Waves of Colo(u)r
Way to go - Walk, run, fly...
wbwwb - We become what we behold - a game about news cycles.
We didn't start the fire.... - 5.09Mb of music and pictures (now with full screen option)
We like the moon - Ah, a blast from the past!
We Want Snow - It's amazing what those birds can do.
Wealth inequality - Scale graphics of wealth inequality in the USA
Web Project - How it began - the world's first webpage.
Website Asteroids - Destroy webpages. Pew pew pew.
Website not found - We found it!
Weird Habits - The strange and pointless things people do
Weird patents - Collection of weird and wonderful patents.
Weirdly - Move the mouse. As if by magic, polygons appear.
Welsh alphabet - The Welsh alphabet, from TV's Pointless
We're NASA and we know it - Crane, lower that rover...
What beats rock? - How long a chain can you make?
What did Bowie do? - What did David Bowie achieve when he was your age?
What does the internet think? - The opinion of the internet on any subject....
What happened in my birth year - yyyyyawn....
What if? - Serious scientific answers to absurd hypothetical questions
What is asdf - Just what is asdf?
What the movie - Guess the movie from a single frame
What? - Odd video, catchy music
When graphic artists get bored... - ...
When Tumblr is down - When Tumblr is down, don't panic! This site will tell you what to do.
Where Am I - A confusing block-sorting game
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