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A-Z of Pointless Websites

Looking for a pointless waste of time? This amusing list of pointless sites is the complete A to Z list of time wasters. "Waste of time" I hear you say... YES!, it is! A staggering and mammoth complete pointless waste of time - but amusing all the same. Amused? Start at the top - or try the top 10.
The complete list of pointless sites listed in alphabetical order...

Banana faces - Fruity faces
Banana Phone - Ring ring ring ring banana phone
Band names - Playing tonight - Adaptive Constant And The Fortitude
Barcode clock - 'checkout' this site.
Barcode yourself - Your own barcode
Bark like a dog - How to bark like a dog
Bart's Blackboard - An archive of Bart Simpson's chalkboard lines
Bat Cat - and mouse....
Bathroom sinks - Top 7 bathroom sinks
Batman eats a hot dog - Such drama!
Bean Bean Bean - Answer questions correctly to donate beans to charity
Beatles Anomalies - A massive list of anomalies in Beatles songs, for those who are interested in such things.
Become a Gnome - As if by magic...
BeepBox - Multitrack music composer - publish your work with a single URL
Beige balls - What colour are the balls?
Belgian pig - A Belgian pig - with a problem
Benedict Cumberbatch generator - For people who want a ridiculous name.
Best joke ever? - Extra points for the 'pointless' reference!
Between treacherous objects - This is just odd.
Bibi Hendl - Takeo Ischi yodelling with chickens, in German.
Big Bunny - Your special bunny friend
Big Pig Song - He likes to dig
Big tower tiny square - Climb the big tower. Save your pineapple.
Biggest insects - What is the biggest insect in the world?
Bill Wurtz - Odd videos. Also see his notebook
Binary Clock - Display the time in binary (or hexadecimal, or smileys)... the ultimate geek clock site!
Binary comes to life - 011010011
Binary Piano - Who knew counting could be so musical?
Birth year - What happened in your birth year?
Birthday messages - Need a tacky poem for a friend's birthday card? This is the place.
Black hole - Fill white space with black holes
Blank - A plain white page. Or is it?
Blank Windows - Move and resize some white boxes
Blob generator - Abstract Art creator....
Blob opera - Ahhh eeeeh ooooh! Instant Verdi?
Block the pig - Cute little hex puzzle game - stop the pig from escaping
Blocks puzzle - Just fit the pieces together to complete linies
Blooms - Stroboscopic sculpture by John Edmark
Bloons - pointless two minute timewaster...
Bloxorz - Simply get the block to fall into the square hole.
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